Search results

  1. Calendar Girl

    Tight traps. Any suggestion for stretching.

    I have problems with my trapezius muscles getting very tight. I do get regular massages to help loosen them up but I really need to find some stretches that will help loosen this area up. I'm tight to the point where I'm having trouble getting my arms in the rack position for lifts. I have...
  2. Calendar Girl

    Link for downloads?

    Where do I find my links for my downloads. I know that once you are done with paypal you get a link but I thought they send an email with you links and I haven't gotten one. :( I want to download but I don't know where to go.
  3. Calendar Girl

    My workouts are gone.

    I had a few workout in the workout manager, some marked complete on my calendar but they are gone. The WM seems like it could be a good tool but I can't seem to get it to work. Too bad. :(
  4. Calendar Girl

    Ab rotation?

    I'm looking to get my abs in shape for summer and wondered if anyone has a suggestion for a rotation.
  5. Calendar Girl

    hundredpushups Week 2 - Day 1

    On the second week already. Will post my numbers later, too many things to do before work today.
  6. Calendar Girl

    hundred push up - Week 1 Day 3

    Not feeling very strong today but did manage to get my push ups in. If this cold would just give up and go away, I'd be happy. How are you doing Lisa?
  7. Calendar Girl

    hundred push ups - day 2 check in

    It's day 2 of the hundred pushup check in :D. Haven't done mine yet but will when I get home from work. Who else would like to join us and be doing 100 pushups six weeks from now?
  8. Calendar Girl

    hundredpushups - Day 1 check-in

    I'm a little nervous about this, not sure how I will do but I'll be doing Day 1 pushups in a few. 5 Sets 2-3 pushups a set. I can do this. So can Lisa!
  9. Calendar Girl

    Anyone want to do hundredpushups with me?

    Cathe's Facebook post the other day got me to wondering if we should be doing push ups every day so I did a search on this forum. I did find a good thread and in it someone mentioned Upon checking it out, I thought this would be a great way to increase the number of...
  10. Calendar Girl

    Looking for a good DVD player - any recommendations?

    I'm looking for a good dvd player. I don't need a ton of features but I want one that is dependable and with a GOOD remote, big play, stop, rewind, FF and PAUSE button. Quick startup would be nice, fast (16x) FF and rewind and one that remembers where you were in the movie. I find these ones...