Search results

  1. firemedic

    Hand weight/dumbbell set with rack

    I found this one online at walmart. Looks pretty close to what Cathe use to have...
  2. firemedic

    Cathe's Core, Pump & Sweat Live Workout

    I know what you mean. When I was 17 I had surgery on my knee due to a sports injury and was in a straight leg brace for 6 weeks. When I was able to bend my knee again I was so excited but was sad because I wasn't able to bend it that much to begin with. I'm so glad you are feeling and looking...
  3. firemedic

    Our 529th Cathe Live Broadcast

    Will there be a video clip of this soon? Just wondering. Thanks.
  4. firemedic

    Canadian Cathletes

    I use to feel that way about yoga too. When I tried Peloton, I really like their yoga, especially 2 instructors in particular. I like that their classes are more than that and I feel like a get a really good stretch and feel more relaxed over all. I don't really care much for the foam rolling. I...
  5. firemedic

    Hand weight/dumbbell set with rack

    Yes you can post a link here. I've done it and I know many others have. Did the one you get have a chemical smell to it? I really need something to get my dumbbells off the floor. Thanks.
  6. firemedic

    Hand weight/dumbbell set with rack

    What kind of company or person did this for you? I would be willing to pay to have something similar. I tried buying a rack from Walmart and also Sam's Club but they had a horrible smell and returned them. So mine are sitting on the floor. I have hooks in my walls for loops and bands. I also...
  7. firemedic

    Video Clip Of Cathe's Cardio Core and Onto the Floor Live Workout

    Just did this one since I have little time this morning. Went to grocery store, got crack in windshield, and have to get fixed in 90 mins. So I did this one and it was fast and great. Got a little sweat going and added a little extra stretch on the end for me and now I have 30 mins to go before...
  8. firemedic

    Cannot go chapter to chapter on firestick

    I don't know if this had to do with the upgrade that Amazon did before but I still cannot go chapter to chapter on my firestick. It's not just the new workouts, it's all of them that I tried in different series all the way up to ICE and then I stopped trying.
  9. firemedic

    Cathe live

    I use a firestick and all of them are showing on it. Make sure you log out of what ever you are using each week so it can load the new workout on to it. I know that it what I have to do with my firestick.
  10. firemedic

    Calendar shipping?

    I know what you mean about packages. I've ordered stuff from my state of FL and it was taken all the way to Buffalo, NY. It took 8 days to get. I could have driven there and back in 6 hours to get the stuff I ordered. Hope you get your package soon. Merry Christmas.
  11. firemedic

    Are icons in the workout manager?

    I've been putting the new workouts into the workout manager but the icons are not coming up. I've been clearing my cache every time and they still don't seem to be coming up. Anyone else having this issue?
  12. firemedic

    On Demand issues with Mobility Fusion

    Yes. From what I've seen, the issues have been fixed for the premixes. Thanks.
  13. firemedic

    Get your GLUTES & GUNS download!

    I got the discount when she had it I believe back in Oct. I have always done the month to month but instead decided to take advantage of the $50 off. But if I wanted to do it again, I can do it now and then get another year of the reduced rate, then I would be good until Oct. 2026. Anyone can do...
  14. firemedic

    Cathe's Knee Replacement

    My father had one does a little over a year ago and he was in his 70's. He did great. I went up there to help with day to day stuff since my mother rarely drives due to vision issues. His recovery was pretty fast since he stayed with what he was suppose to do and I made him relax when he was...
  15. firemedic

    Question about Functional Lower body premix

    That's why I don't care so much what the premixes are since I can just make my own. It's great that Cathe does the chaptering the way she does. I hope she continues this for all her workouts.
  16. firemedic

    No premix On Demand

    I saw yesterday that some of the premixes are working properly now. So they are fixing them. Some of them look great.
  17. firemedic

    Question about Functional Lower body premix

    Thanks. I didn't know if it was suppose to be this way because it just seems strange that no step but they also left out standing firewalker. So I'll just blend my own. I love having the blender just for this reason.
  18. firemedic

    Question about Functional Lower body premix

    My question is about timesaver premix #1 - No Step. In the blender for On Demand it takes out the step moves but it also takes out the standing firewalker moves. Is it suppose to do that? I just want to know because if it is, I want to blend my own to include the standing firewalker moves...
  19. firemedic

    Firestick working for live

    I tried a workout this morning on the live app for firestick and it worked. I did the whole workout without any issues. So hopefully Amazon fixed it. I just wanted to let you and everyone else know that it worked for me. Thanks.
  20. firemedic

    No premix On Demand

    They are having issues with the premixes right now and they are aware of it and are working on it, that's all I know.