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  1. Lannette

    Our 529th Cathe Live Broadcast

    You’re amazing Cathe! Your joy for movement is obvious!
  2. Lannette

    Month 1 LMR Beginner Rotation

    You’re welcome. I’m predisposed to it because of an old neck injury. That and probably all the years I used and over used my body athletically.
  3. Lannette

    Month 1 LMR Beginner Rotation

    Not really CS’s fault. To keep things simple, I wasn’t extending my one arm to the same degree of the other. I also wasn’t working square to the TV which encouraged the arm thing. Once I started LMR I could see my right forearm and wrist were tilting. For instance my scarecrows were square on...
  4. Lannette

    Month 1 LMR Beginner Rotation

    I want to mention that Classical Stretch is open chain movement for the upper body. I was shocked when my arms became uneven after using it. It did help me tremendously with my UB ROM. With LMR Cathe gives us both open and closed chain UB movements This very quickly evened my UB out. Mirror...
  5. Lannette

    Month 1 LMR Beginner Rotation

    I do Classical Stretch first then the scheduled workout. DH & I are 24/7 caregivers for a family member and also provide alternative education, activities and therapies for them. My workout is my only “me” time but I don’t always choose exactly when or how long I have. Due to family...
  6. Lannette

    Month 1 LMR Beginner Rotation

    I own all the seasons on DVD. I purchased some sets used, then several more when they were clearing them out. Then Mary at Total Fitness had Season 5 used and I completed the set. You can stream them but I don’t have traditional internet.
  7. Lannette

    Month 1 LMR Beginner Rotation

    The pairing wasn’t planned. I started with Season 4 of CS in August after it became evident that LMR was going to be late. I’ve been doing them daily, in order ever since. I’ll finish Season 9 around 2/2.
  8. Lannette

    Month 1 LMR Beginner Rotation

    I thought I’d share my One Month results. I’m very happy with them. I’ve been doing a 22-23 minute Classical Stretch Season 8 or 9 Episode prior to my LMR workout. I’ve also been matching Cathe’s weights while watching my form in our gym mirror in order to improve my movement patterns. (I...
  9. Lannette

    I wanted to update that I’ve maintained my weight within a two pound range up or down. I’ve lost...

    I wanted to update that I’ve maintained my weight within a two pound range up or down. I’ve lost another pant size without trying other than doing CS and the first month of the 8 week LMR Rotation. This wasn’t lost muscle. My body comp is still rated lean and athletic with adequate muscle.
  10. Lannette

    STS + LMR 2 month Rotation

    STS 2.0 / Lift, Move & Restore Rotation 2-Month Rotation Week 1 Monday...STS 2 Giant Sets Total Body Tuesday...Functional Core Fusion Wednesday...Functional Barre Fusion Thursday...STS 2 Mat Yoga Friday...STS 2 Tri Sets Total Body Saturday...Functional Mobility Fusion...
  11. Lannette

    STS + LMR 2 month Rotation

    I wasn’t sure if that ok but here goes.
  12. Lannette

    STS + LMR 2 month Rotation

    Have you seen it? Cathe posted it in her latest email. I’m very excited because it’s exactly what I was looking for! Not for now but for after I work through my present plans, which admittedly take me into June.
  13. Lannette

    Functional Pilates w/Lower Foam Rolling & Core

    I agree. I felt amazing after I did it for the first time.
  14. Lannette

    Functional Pilates w/Lower Foam Rolling & Core

    This is actually one of my favorites. I can see where in the Pilates repertoire Cathe chose to pull exercises and translate them to the roller. When you look at all the Pilates apparatus there’s so much more exercises than just the mat work. Tomorrow is day 3 of Week 3 for me and this series...
  15. Lannette

    Functional Lower Body with the bonus workout

    I did this combo yesterday but I used one of Cathe’s dip bars. Maybe next time you could use fingertips against a wall or door? Or use the back of a chair? I would definitely be more challenged using a barbell. For me the big reveal is how different my balance abilities are from right to left...
  16. Lannette

    LMR Functional Yoga + Bonus Restorative Yoga

    I just did this combo yesterday and felt the same as you did. I’m on week 2 of the beginner rotation and so far I’ve enjoyed every workout I’ve done. This set is a winner for me!
  17. Lannette

    Lift Move Restore

    I spent 25+ years as a working Nurse Manager/Medical Exercise Specialist. I managed/taught Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab classes and an Employee Wellness for 750 employees. People can definitely be motivated but in the end they need to be their own driving force in regaining and maintaining their...
  18. Lannette

    Lift Move Restore

    Someone needs to introduce those folks to the concept of the time saver premix. ;)
  19. Lannette

    I put together Cathe's complete DVD Library

    I had this on my old blog. I originally found it here on the forum so maybe it was yours that I found. I’ll have to check mine against yours to see if I missed anything. Thanks for posting.
  20. Lannette

    Lift, Move & Restore User's Guide

    Thank you! It was my place of business and still is when I agree to see clients. (I’m mostly retired now.)