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  1. K

    Cathe's Core, Pump & Sweat Live Workout

    The hardest part (coming from a physical therapist). Persistence will pay off!
  2. K

    STS 2.0 with lighter weights

    Is anyone or has anyone done the workouts with lighter weights increasing the reps/tempo working the allotted time that Cathe is performing the exercise? I don’t care for heavy weights due to joint issues so I’m trying to modify to make the workouts work for me but still want a decent workout.
  3. K

    Anyone here buy Born Primitive exercise clothing?

    Sorry for the late response. I have not been a customer long but have noticed they run frequent sales especially for holidays. I’m imagining a July 4th sale will be offered
  4. K

    Anyone here buy Born Primitive exercise clothing?

    I have their joggers and love them.
  5. K

    Covid in USA

    I go for my second in 2 weeks. I totally understand your concern and it is shared through many. I don’t have any words of wisdom to ease your mind. It is hard especially when In is mandated by employers. I had my first one and will be receiving my second in 2 weeks. It’s a tough time with all...
  6. K

    Covid in USA

    That’s the problem with a lot of things these days. Everyone feels the need to push their opinion on others like it’s the only way. Both my mom and good friend had bad reactions from Cipro. Luckily I did not but it definitely isn’t an antibiotic I welcome openly because of all the controversy...
  7. K

    Covid in USA

    I live in south Florida and I’m a physical therapist that works in the assisted living facility (willow wood) that was splattered all over the news for a huge outbreak which resulted in many deaths. I knew many of them personally, as well as their families. We are still having positive cases...
  8. K

    Help Me Create a Rotation

    no advice but wanted to know how you liked the ICE, FIT and LIS rotation? Been thinking of doing this one
  9. K

    Perfect 30 Ab workouts On Demand

    Both workouts on demand are the same. The are both the bonus core from the mobility workout
  10. K

    Amenorrhea Recovery

    I had amenorrhea for 10+ years I was extremely lean but to be honest I didn’t feel like I over exercised but I lacked recovery. My diet was very strict. My periods did eventually come back once I gained some body fat. I cut back on the intense cardio and just ate more, mostly in healthy fats...
  11. K

    Need to us Cathe for lower body Physical Therapy

    Great glutes has a great pizza press section
  12. K


    congratulations! What a huge accomplishment! My father lost his life to lung cancer at 53 He was a heavy smoker. He never Evan quit while going through 4 years of chemo, radiation, and surgeries. I never smoked but I wish I could say the same for my older brother. He’s 44 now and I feel he is...
  13. K

    Cathe Live only Cathe

    Is it just me, or is Cathe Live way harder when she is on her own? I feel like these latest ones have really been tough! But I am loving it...especially when she’s bringing out the 20lb dumbbells. Yes! Way tougher for me also. Loving the new ones with just her
  14. K

    So happy to have premixes and the blender

    I have a question about the fitness blender. Does anyone use it in their iPad? I can’t get it to work in my iPad. It doesn’t show any workouts. Does it have to be on a computer?
  15. K

    Spin and sculpt

    obviously not Cathe but wanted to tell you to check out as they have spin and sculpt classes. There’s a few that are 30 minutes long but most are 45-60.
  16. K

    2nd pregnancy is hard

    Hi there! Coming down to the home stretch! I wish I could say something to calm your anxiety but it’s totally normal for the new and unexpected. The first few weeks are the hardest but then it gets easier. I actually forgot how exhausting it is and this little man has reminded me. We have been...
  17. K

    2nd pregnancy is hard

    Hello! What a whirlwind these last few days have been! Today was my scheduled c section date but little man decided he needed more room and came this past Saturday. I woke up in the morning and the second I stood up from my bed my water broke. I was in shock to say the least lol. I had no...
  18. K

    2nd pregnancy is hard

    You are doing sooooo great with your workouts! Try not to stress too much over babies arrival (easier said then done). Everyone feels the way you do especially with the first. This week I’ve had a strong “nesting” urge so I’ve been organizing and cleaning everything. I don’t remember having this...
  19. K

    2nd pregnancy is hard

    Thank you for this sweet post. It’s so crazy how much our body’s go through and we put so much pressure on ourselves to keep up a certain level. I got back into shape after my first but yet still have those doubts with my second. When I go on social media and see people killing their workouts in...
  20. K

    2nd pregnancy is hard

    Here’s the picture of my little guy at 33 weeks. So cool how detailed the photos now are with the 5D imaging