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  1. mfv3

    Little Free Library

    We love these in our neighborhood :)
  2. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Work today was good. I trained to a new unit that I was never originally trained to for some reason. It's the ACE unit. Acute Care for the Elderly. Must be 65 or older and discharge home instead of a nursing home or rehab. Workout today was 2 walks in the skyways. Too tired to write much else...
  3. mfv3

    STS first time!

    I'm obsessed with taking videos and pictures to the point where b will say, "don't picture me." Oops haha! Ok just had to check-in to say I did LIH1. The boys were sleeping when I got home so no excuses.
  4. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Quick check-in from the med/surg unit. No double today.....woohoo! Can't wait to get home and hang my boys. It was busy but steady which made the day fly. Workout today was 2 walks. Very doubtful I'll be motivated to do anything then I get home. Missy- I didn't realize Tim worked weekend...
  5. mfv3

    STS first time! She looks way better! Good for her! Bored so I thought I'd Google ;) Should probably hit the hay. Good night. Chat tomorrow :)
  6. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Good tips Jean...thanks! I screen shot that recipe and will be trying it. Looks yummy! Woohoo for your savings. I love that kind of stuff! We had fish tacos for dinner. My version was a bed of cabbage with salsa and lime for dressing. Fish on top :) Mmm! Your dinner sounds amazing Betty! Like...
  7. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Tabatacise this morning. I love the intensity and length of that workout. This morning I watched my friend's boy. He is five days younger than b. She is pregnant and due in Feb. She has gestational diabetes and has to go to the dr three times a week now. So crazy! I told her I help her out...
  8. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Oh my, what a trying day. I have a friend who deals with tantrums from her son everyday and I really feel for her. Not sure what happened to my son today but my goodness am I glad this is not an everyday thing. We went to TJ because I had to get out of the house. He needed quiet time after that...
  9. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Great Glutes this morning. I killed it with 12s instead of 8s :) Be back later to read but just had to take a break. Love my baby with all my heart but he's really testing my patience today. He is usually a good listener but today not so much. He already had two tantrums too.....ugh! Is it...
  10. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Afterburn today. Dh and I ordered Chinese for dinner last night. I told him I wanted a cheat night. It was so good but I was regretting that decision this morning, especially since B got up at 4:30. He had trouble falling asleep last night and wanted to "sleep in mama and dada's bed" which...
  11. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Step Blast this morning. B is still sick so no plans for us today except for lots of snuggles. I have a feeling we may be missing the last class of this session of toddler class tomorrow. Nap time soon. I'm going to make these muffins. I made them before and they are really good! Even dh liked...
  12. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Upper Body Circuit this morning. What an awesome workout! It has a serious fun factor. And the stretch was actually really good at the end. The last cardio blast was pretty fun. It was four jacks, down to push up position, two push up jacks, two regular push ups, and then up into three air...
  13. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Mom baby unit today AND tonight haha! Double! I so don't want to but it is worth it in the long run and I mean really, I only have to work 2 days a week so I might as well get the most out of it. 2 walks done (in the skyways, blah) and hopefully 2 more to go. I also did my ab challenge :) on a...
  14. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Home on the couch :) The party was good. It was five girls from toddler class and then the host. Everyone is so nice. I don't know why I complain about going to these things. Felt good to do something new. I went a little crazy with buying stuff...oops! I bought three baby cloths for bathtime...
  15. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Jean This looks so good. I saved it...I bet b would like it too. T minus 40m to the Norwex party.
  16. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Carolyn Your dinner sounds amazing! Love stuffed peppers especially red ones. I read that post and could see your point. I'm not interested in it for myself but cheers to everyone who is. I could totally see how you would have been bothered by hearing about our workouts. I thought about that...
  17. mfv3

    STS first time!

    We went to storytime this morning and now are at a coffee shop with a cool kids play area. Another place for cliquey moms that socialize on the sidelines, however I either play with b or right now I'm relaxing on the couch with my phone and a latte. It's fun to watch him interact with other kids...
  18. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Plyo Legs week 4 this morning. How long did it take me to compete my goal of doing STS Legs?! Ummm like 6 months haha! Just watching the little guy play right now. He is getting so good with using his imagination. We were pretending to be puppies this morning.....eating, doing tricks, playing...
  19. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Hi! SC this morning :) I'm also doing a 15 day ab challenge with some Facebook friends. Today was 25 sit-ups, 15 crunches, 10 leg lifts and 15s plank. Toddler class today was a little rough for B. I'm sure it's because we had a long break from it. I got back from the mom time and he had red...
  20. mfv3

    STS first time!

    Thanks Carolyn! I really do love it. My best workout area yet. When we were looking for places dh would just roll his eyes and laugh when I said, nope this won't work. No area to workout. Betty SO catchy right?! I love the warm-up song :) PRS1 done! Thanks Betty for that idea. Showered...