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  1. J


    I noticed yesterday that mine was starting to tear a little right in the middle, so I know it will probably "snap" at any time. I'm going to order another one (and a few for "spares"). Also, a couple of days ago I ordered a couple of Versa Loops. I had never seen these before, but I have the...
  2. J

    Urgh! Still upset about lack of cardio

    I think I read a few weeks ago (I can't remember for sure!) where this question was presented to Cathe and SNM/Cathe said something about Cathe filming some cardio workouts after this to compliment the STS workouts. Please don't take this as fact, I might have only dreamed this thinking about...
  3. J

    Tracey Staehle announces "Walking Strong" workout!!

    RE: Tracey Staehle announces Okay -- I ordered! I like Tracey's workouts (I have most of them). She was at Cathe's road trip this past year and seemed really nice. I primarily use Cathe's workouts, but like to do other instructors for a change of pace. Tracey's one of the ones I like to do.
  4. J

    Home gym flooring

    I too would like to hear about that. A gym flor was on my Christmas wish list, but because of the cost, I'm holding off for a while. I work out on carpet right now (which I hate) because I can't wear shoes when I do step or kickbox (it doesn't let me turn my feet properly and I'm afraid I'm...
  5. J

    Cathe Customer Service

    In the past, I've only had to contact customer service once (and believe me, I've ordered many, many times!), but I had the exact same response -- it was immediate and was handled perfectly. My problem was resolved very quickly. Cathe has WONDERFUL customer service!!! Julie
  6. J

    Hair Thinning

    I have always had really thick, curly hair (even on top). Well, I've noticed over the past few years my hair has been thinning as well (especially on top). Other people haven't noticed it, but I definitely have. I just turned 43 last week. I have heard from people that as you get older, your...
  7. J

    Why do I still care so much about high school?

    I know in a way how you feel -- I wasn't overweight in high school, but did gain a significant amount after high school. My 25 year reunion is set for next year and I really want to look great (since I am very close to being at my weight when I was in high school -- after a lot of hard work!)...
  8. J

    VERY O/T RANT - resumes

    I know what you mean -- I've been a secretary/paralegal for almost 24 years (I do not have a degree -- started out as a legal secretary when I was 19 years old and worked my way up). Well, after my second daughter was born, I quit my job to stay home with her (I was working in a defense firm at...
  9. J

    A confession ... and a question

    I agree with you Clare -- I don't see what all the fuss is about. I myself order everything that Cathe puts out because I love her workouts. Not everyone will do that and understandably because they may not be interested in the type of workouts she may be offering at the time or the price may...
  10. J

    new pill info....

    I did see something on the news this morning about the pill, but it didn't mention stroke/heart attack risks. It just said that women that take the pill have a 20 to 30 percent increase of getting cervical cancer. However, the risk of ovarian and breast cancer is reduced because of the use of...
  11. J

    Are you Ready for some Football!?

    Laurie -- with regret I have to say that I'm a die hard Texans fan (boo :-( ). I've been a big fan since the Houston Oilers days (long time ago)! Now --the Colts are in the Texans' division and if the Texans were doing great and had a record that would come "close" to the Colts, I would wish...
  12. J

    UPS Carrier

    I wish my UPS "hottie" would hurry up and show up with my "candy"! My DVDs were scheduled to be delivered yesterday, but never showed up (I was very disappointed!). They were scheduled to be redelivered today, but it's almost 6:15 in the afternoon and still nothing. I was told UPS delivers...
  13. J

    Bomb threats in my daughter's school.

    You are definitely NOT over-reacting. The good thing is that after all of these "scares", the school will be on "high alert" and probably security will be at the utmost highest. I live in Texas and the high school where my daughter used to go (she just graduated) had several bomb threat scares...
  14. J

    question about live classes

    Man -- if I was only about 20 minutes away, I would be at EVERY class she taught! I'm from Texas and went on her road trip and absolutely LOVED her live workouts. Since I have done her workouts since the early 1990's, it was so easy to follow along (since I was so used to her cueing, etc)...
  15. J

    Brittany Spears

    It's such a shame that's she's come down to this. I remember when my oldest daughter (she's now in college) used to absolutely love her (I would buy Britney's DVDs, etc.). I thought she was so pretty and had so much potential. Skip ahead a few years (not that many!) and look at her now...
  16. J

    Oh My Bod Clothing !!

    I just received the brown/orange outfit today. I ordered the small/medium and it fits great. I'm 5'4" and about 120 pounds. When I first opened the package I thought I would never be able to fit into it (it looked really small), but the fabric stretches out when you put it on. The length was...
  17. J

    anyone try proactiv?

    My 14 year old daughter has been using it the last four months and loves it! She started having really bad acne around 12 years of age. Since using it, I have noticed a GREAT improvement. It did take a few months, however, before we could really tell a big difference. After the first two...
  18. J

    Tae Bo Cardio

    The only ones I think are advanced enough are the Live Series (Vol. 1-12) which (I believe) are only available on VHS and the Get Ripped Advanced I and II. The rest are just not as advanced (in my opinion). As a matter of fact, I did Tae Bo Live Vol 2 this morning -- it was a great workout!
  19. J

    Roadtrip next year

    Lauren I'm with you! I, too, wish there would have been a small group session with Cathe. It would have been fun to sit down with her in a small group and be able to ask her questions about working out, etc. -- I know had a lot of questions I could have asked! When I did get to speak with...
  20. J

    Roadtrip next year

    I went to the roadtrip this year and it was AWESOME! I want to go again sometime in the future! While I was there, I heard some of the other roadtrippers say that they had heard (this is only hearsay -- not for sure!) that Cathe was going to do two roadtrips next year instead of one. Like I...