Search results

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    Resistance Band in new Workouts

    Another vote for the band! I love that thing!
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    An updated version of Body Max....

    LOL, Laurie! I did get lucky huh? I would like a kickstep workout too. I think it was suggested a few times already. Maybe she will consider it in her 4 day split dvd. Possibly as one of the 30 min. cardios? I guess we shall see!
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    Does anyone take Glucosamine?

    I will probably start taking them this weekend. I think it's exactly what I need. Thanks again everyone:-)
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    Cathe- When are you going to start filming?

    I must have missed that when I pre-ordered. Thank You!
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    I have pre-ordered!!

    Mine is # 9004
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    Does anyone take Glucosamine?

    I have been having a few issues with my knees lately. A friend of mine suggested taking Glucosamine. For those of you who take it, what brand do you use? Do you continue taking it after the pain goes away or do you continue taking it as a daily dietary supplement? TIA
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    Another pre order ?

    They bill you right away.
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    Cathe- When are you going to start filming?

    When will you start filming the 4 new workouts? TIA
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    Challenging pilates dvd or video

    I agree with MTV pilates mix. I also really like Rael system 27 for an advanced workout. You can also purchase Pilates Abs workout w/ Ana Caban on it's own w/out Rodney Yee's portion. I personally like Stott, but I don't find her workouts as challenging as the two listed above.
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    I have pre-ordered!!

    I pre-ordered already too:-) :-) :-)
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    i CANNOT believe it!!!!

    You go girl!! You always look beautiful! :* :* :* :* :* :* :* :*
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    Congrats Cathe .. a few questions for the new series

    RE: Congrats Cathe .. a few questions for the new serie... I am interested in hearing about the music also:-)
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    The Announcement - FINALLY!

    Congrats Cathe!! The workouts sound really GREAT! I have been waiting for another Body Max. Looking forward to all of the new workouts:-)
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    Is this a knee injury?

    Thank you ladies! Michele- Thanks for the link. I found it to be very informative.
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    Quick Lunches?

    A lot of these sound really great. Keep em coming. The more the merrier!
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    Quick Lunches?

    >Snickers and a Coke. > >Okay, you HAD to know that was coming from me:P > Shelley, that will be my dessert;-) These sound really good. I will be trying quite a few of them. Keep em coming!
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    Is this a knee injury?

    I am not quite sure if I injured my knee or my calf. I am having tightness and soreness behind my knee and calf. I do warm up and stretch before and after my workouts. It's been bothering me for about 4 days or so. I just put some icy hot on it and am hoping it will help some. I have never had...
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    Quick Lunches?

    I run a small daycare in my house(as some of you already know), but find it really hard to find quick lunches to make for myself. I would literally have to whip it up within 5-10 minutes. I usually have leftovers or salads, but really need something different. I am not too picky. I don't...
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    Question for Venus

    I have to agree with Michele. Your transformation is amazing! Congratulations on all of your hard work!