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  1. L

    (Please don't flame me) Question on the health ins

    Don't expect a logical answer on that socialism question because 99.99% of the people who say it have no idea what it means. Have you seen those rallies where people are holding signs that say "hands off my medicare" all the while yelling "socialism"? :eek:
  2. L

    The Real Housewives of BEVERLY HILLS????

    'cause the ones from the OC are "poor".
  3. L

    4 Year Old McDonald's Cheeseburger

    My God! That's insane. And disgusting.
  4. L

    A thread a couple of days ago got me thinking....

    I am almost over my "all or nothing" attitude - It really paralyzes you and even when I accomplished something, I was never happy with that small victory. Procrastination - which also ties into all or nothing. I'm still working on this and it helps to focus on the negatives of not doing...
  5. L

    Does Soy Lecithin Contain 'Estrogen'

    Thanks ladies. I also got confusing information from the internet. I mostly eat whole foods and wanted to cut milk out of my diet (I want to see if it affects my acne like sugar does) so that's why I started drinking almond milk. I will continue to have it in moderation. Thanks a lot.:D
  6. L

    Does Soy Lecithin Contain 'Estrogen'

    I see that it's in almond milk and would like to know if this ingredient has the same properties (mimics estrogen) as whole or plain soy.
  7. L

    Trader Joes = Clean Food

    depends on the ingredient list I guess.
  8. L

    I don't think I want to watch the news anymore....

    I stopped watching cable news months ago and it is the best thing I have ever done for my sanity and my blood pressure. I have a handful of blogs that I visit to get politics and policy analysis, I get my local news from a local channel provided by my cable channel and national news from a...
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    Opinions from all users

    I'm still stuck on what your husband did for you.
  10. L


    I think people focus on the wrong thing when it comes to sugar. Its really not about where it comes from but what happens once it enters your body. Your body breaks it all down to glucose no matter where it comes from and too much, again no matter where it comes from, is not good. sugar is...
  11. L

    stood up

    That kind of disrespect just ticks me off. This guy is most likely a flake with everyone in his life so don't take it personally. Just cut him out completely, don't ask for any further explanation, just banish him and ignore him.:mad:
  12. L

    Since there is so much controversy right now.....

    These guys are/were NORMAL people. Politicians aren't special, and if you listen to some of them you wonder how the heck did that moron/whacko/dummy get elected. We elected them and their behavior is a reflection of our society. and that's all I'm gonna say. I mean it. seriously.
  13. L

    Nasty Email From Boss Today

    Was there a really good reason for giving the project to someone else? In any case, I would have explained what I did (giving it to another employee) and apologize for not following up - then go talk to the person whom you gave the project to and ask them what happened. If the situation has...
  14. L

    Since there is so much controversy right now.....

    Ha! Let's put out the fire with a gasoline.
  15. L

    Since there is so much controversy right now.....

    The problem is politics always turns personal
  16. L

    So mad!

    I Just Got This E-mail In light of the ABC situation, whereas ABC has pulled their programming from Cablevision's system, we want you to know you can still follow all the pre and post-show excitement of the Oscars live with free online coverage starting at 6pm tonight. So catch the Red Carpet...
  17. L

    Calorie Burn With Shock Cardio

    I thought HIIT and high intensity workouts were about the percentage of fat calories burned not total calories burned.
  18. L

    Uh oh! Scary study alert!

    You know what always comes with those trans fats? Sugar. Stick with your kinds of fats and never mind the study.