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  1. 3boys4me


    I'm so sorry for your loss Autumn:( Candra
  2. 3boys4me


    Morning Girls! Jen-I have been having a lot of legs cramps at night also. It is no fun:( Yeah for your last day of work!! Kate-Both my boys have school this am too. I am going to get a pedicure. Yesterday I had the great idea to do my own toes and I got as far as removing polish...
  3. 3boys4me

    Thursday!!! (At last)

    Kate- I woke up at 3am with contractions, but they went away. I definitely feel something going on:eek: Have a good day!! I am shopping online today. Gymbucks start at Gymboree and I have a 20% off coupon at Gap:) Kristine- enjoy your workout! Trish-I'm jealous you got to sleep in...
  4. 3boys4me

    _ _ _ _ _ Wednesday_ _ _ _ _

    Kate, I have been really crampy since yesterday. The trike-a-thon was great and it is 90 degrees here. It is supposed to start cooling down this weekend, that means 80's. Stephanie, I am getting so excited for you!! I can't wait to hear all about your new little boy:) I just picked Owen...
  5. 3boys4me

    _ _ _ _ _ Wednesday_ _ _ _ _

    Kate-you look great and I love the nursery!! I really like the stripes on the wall. You have the exact same crib that Wilson had but his is now a full size bed:) And I can't have this baby tomorrow, me and the boys have dentist appts:D I am trying to squeeze everything in b/f baby gets here...
  6. 3boys4me


    Autumn- how far along are you?? With my first we didn't hear the heartbeat at our 10 week appt but everything was fine:) Let us know, I will say a prayer for you Candra
  7. 3boys4me


    Melanie-don't tell me that! I told the doctor I had to keep this baby in until at least Sun. Wilson's b-day party is on Fri and I have a hair appt Sat. The hair appt I could miss but not my sons b-day Candra
  8. 3boys4me


    JenM-sorry you are not feeling well and having so much to do at work:( Susan-I really hope this is your month!! Calvillo-sorry you didn't get to hear the heartbeat, that is so disappointing. Well I went to the doctor today and I am dialated to 3. He stripped my membranes which really...
  9. 3boys4me


    Kate-that is great news about Suzy!! I can't believe they aren't charging for the surgery. I'm so happy for your girls:D I haven't packed for the hospital yet either. I go to the doctor this morning so I will see if I am even dialated. I was dialated to a 3 with Owen at 37 weeks and he...
  10. 3boys4me

    Oh it's Monday again---Check In

    Kristine- I am 37 weeks pg:) Kate- I have been going crazy with the room not being painted. I was trying my best not to nag dh to get it done. Now I have to call the lady who is going to paint the mural on his wall! I'm not really to concerned if that happens after he is born...
  11. 3boys4me

    Oh it's Monday again---Check In

    Good Morning! Melanie, I hit my alarm off this morning too, so no workout. I am hoping later today I will do pub. I am just too tired and exercising is getting really uncomfortable. Hope dh has a good b-day! Kristine, maybe you tested too early. I never had a period after going off b/c...
  12. 3boys4me

    Preg/TTC/PP weekend!!!!!!!

    good morning everyone! Kate we are officially full term today:) Don't you usually go early? I have always gone until 41 weeks so I am not getting my hopes up that I will deliver b/f my due date. Have fun today! JenM, I hope you feel better. Your cupcakes sound really good. Calvillo...
  13. 3boys4me

    Monday Check In

    Good Morning! Melanie I hate getting up in the dark to workout. Today I really wanted to go back to sleep after my alarm went off but then dh's alarm went off and I was up. I just finished ph:) I'm glad I did it but I am still tired:( We went out of town this weekend, just a short trip...
  14. 3boys4me

    Pregnant or Trying to Be! THURSDAY

    Hi girls! Just a quick hello:) I have been so busy these last few days. All I want to do is clean the house:confused: So every free minute I have I am scrubbing something. Well I'm hoping Stephanie had her little boy! JenM- I would definitely get a crib you like. You will regret it...
  15. 3boys4me

    Monday Again!

    Kate-I'm so glad Gina did well this morning! I'm sure Isabel was fine the second you left;) I know what you mean about being anxious to go back and get them. Good job on the workout. I get up at 5am to workout:eek: Yes I do go to a studio to get my maternity pics. I have done it with all 3...
  16. 3boys4me

    Monday Again!

    Morning girls:) I hope everyone had a good weekend!! I took maternity pics last week and I am going to look at them today. I also have a doctor's appt. this am and I really need to go and preregister at the hospital. Kate-Good luck with both the girls going to school. Too bad you have...
  17. 3boys4me

    Wild Wednesday - Hump Day!

    Hi girls!! I am up early and feeling a lot better:) I think I am going to try and get my workout in this morning. I took off 3 days while I was sick so I am ready to get back into it. Kate, you will be busy today! Have fun at your midwife appt. all by yourself:) Do you get tested for...
  18. 3boys4me

    Terrific TUESDAY!

    Hi girls!! I am just popping in to say hi!! I have been sick with the stomach flu the past 2 days:mad: I will be back with personals hopefully tomorrow. I still have no energy:( Hope everyone is having a better week than me Candra
  19. 3boys4me


    Ok girls here is my zucchini bread recipe: 3 eggs, 2C sugar, 2tsp vanilla, 1/2C canola oil, 1/2C applesauce, 2C shredded zucchini, 1/2C peanut butter, 3tsp cinnamon, 3C flour, 1tsp baking powder, 1tsp baking soda, 1/2C walnuts In a large bowl combine the eggs, sugar, vanilla, canola oil...