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  1. Z

    Garmin vs fitbit

    i am in the process of buying a fitness watch. i keep reading so many mixed reviews on both. Does anyone have one of these two watches. Give me your pros and cons on each.
  2. Z

    Garmin vs Fitbit

    I am torn between these 2 watches. Keep reading reviews, and there is pros and cons for both. Could anyone give me insights on what you have, likes and dislikes. TIA Zola
  3. Z

    Brazilian Blowout

    I will try to get hairdresser to take before and after pics. Carol is your hair really straight now? I mostly want hair that is manageable, but looks like it has body. Not stick straight.
  4. Z

    New Lo Impact Series from Cathe!!

    I can't find article where she mentions yoga, spinning and Barre as part of DVD's. Please point me in that direction so I can read about it. Can't hardly wait to preorder though. My credit card is trying to hide itself.
  5. Z

    Brazilian Blowout

    Thank Carol and Karen for your responses. I didn't realize the product stay on your hair for a year without frizz. I have read that it only lasts up to 12 weeks, and the more you do it the longer it lasts. A whole year is definately a plus. The salon I am going to have it done does provide...
  6. Z

    Brazilian Blowout

    I am 54, have had curly thick hair all of my life. I have straightened it chemically in the past, blow dried, and flat ironed it. It never looks staight to me. I have read about BB and I am ready to try it. I have also read the pros and cons about the product, but I am still want to give it a...
  7. Z

    So do you pass out the candy or let them choose?

    I pass them out. I buy a big variety of candy, and if I let them choose, they want more. I usually hand out 3 pieces per child. Our neighborhood gets a lot of trick or treaters. We had 200+. I turned off the lights at 9:00PM because I ran out of candy.
  8. Z

    I'm thankful for...

    Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich, which I just downed with a big glass of milk. Ahhh!! comfort food. Melissa
  9. Z

    NO, NO, NO.....somebody stop me!!!

    WOW!!!! Did I open a pandora box or what??? I usually lurk on this forum every so often, and don't post much. Well, yesterday I started to read the one star thread, which I found so amusing because people are getting so bent out of shape over being rated. Not being familiar with the quote...
  10. Z

    Who One Star Rates a Friggin' Birthday Thread?!?

    Well, I am not the one who stated on the "Ask Cathe Section" that these forums make you puke. And, you are the expert at what? Psychology? I think you just need to go back to where all your fun loving friends are at Facebook.
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    Who One Star Rates a Friggin' Birthday Thread?!?

    If you can't take a joke, go back to FB Clarissa. Melissa
  12. Z

    Who One Star Rates a Friggin' Birthday Thread?!?

    I see Fruitcakes aren't just for Christmas anymore..,from Cathe e-mailing me directly last year telling me not to come to the RT, and then not giving me the courtesy of an answer why I was the only person to receive this people admitting their family hates this Jonezie whack...
  13. Z

    Pace weights

    Thanks for the picture. I am going to buy electrical tape, and do this. I like you, use my pace weights 3 -4 times a week. Melissa
  14. Z

    Pace weights

    Anik, I would also be interested in seeing how you tape the weights. Lou is suggesting Scotch tape, but I think electrical tape would be better. Thanks in advance. Melissa
  15. Z

    Pace weights

    I am glad I am not the only one with this problem. I did receive an email back, and this was the reply. He seems very honest, and concerned with the issue. Hi Melissa, The reason I asked is that we've discovered some of the first Pace Weights were improperly assembled by a...
  16. Z

    Pace weights

    Thanks for your reply Michele. I sent them an email on Friday, but have not heard back yet. Hopefully, I will get a reply soon.
  17. Z

    Pace weights

    Hopefully, someone can help me on this question. I purchased my pace weights about a year and half ago. I have started to noticed that some of the magnets are cracking. Has anybody who have the weights notice this problem? I went to their website, but they don't sell the magnets alone. For those...
  18. Z

    Foods you're too scared to try?

    If you don't mind me asking. What is Fugu? Sounds exotic.
  19. Z

    So where are YOU located? :)

    Ft. Worth, TX