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  1. J

    vent - out of shape husband - how to help?

    I try to get my boyfriend to work out as well. He is pretty thin and weak as well. I always beat him at arm wrestling. I kind of like this fact yet you would think that it would motivate him. Geez what will it take to get him to pick up a weight? Jenn
  2. J

    Um, no I don't need help, thanks!

    Wow! 40#ers, I am impressed. I thought I was hot stuff doing curls with my 30's.
  3. J

    Something a little steamy, spicy, and sweaty

    Joey W Hill's Vampire Queen's series plus her "Natural Law". Well written and steamy, spicy, sweaty.}(
  4. J

    Turbo kick vs Body Combat?????

    I too love Body Combat. I feel that BC is a great workout that leaves me feeling powerful.
  5. J

    Clinton or Obama

    I voted for Hillary in the primary. I think that once we have a female president, in four years we can vote for the best woman for the job.
  6. J

    husband is calling my muscles unsexy... told me to stop cathe

    RE: husband is calling my muscles unsexy... told me to ... You are a strong sexy woman. Don't let his insecurities keep you from being the best you can be. Jenn
  7. J

    I really need your thoughts and advice...

    You are probably right about the posture issue. There is a postural therapist named Pete Egoscue based in San Diego. His claim is thay most pain is caused by body misalignment. He wrote a book PAIN FREE (under $20 on Amazon) that has a chapter on shoulder pain. It basically cured me of my...
  8. J

    Back pain - OUCH!!!

    Get a copy of "Pain Free" by Pete Egoscue. His Egoscue Method truly works. It is not a treament but a cure. The downside is it takes about 15-20 mins/day using his e-sises (similar to yoga movements) until your body returns to its original design which is head/hips/shoulders in a straight line...
  9. J

    Gotta Read This Ladies.

    If he comes near you again, smack the living sh** out of him. I' m not normally violent but your story just makes me livid. Go to the police and demand a restrainig order. Keep hounding them until they do. This will give you some peace of mind. Best of Luck, Jenn
  10. J

    What to do next

    >Jenn, > >Give him two dresses to iron and make him wear one til he mans >up. lol But seriously he sounds like a good guy aka a keeper >to me. Continue with your workouts and don't compromise a >strong mind/body for anything.. Thank you for your kind encouragement. I really...
  11. J

    What to do next

    I have been working out with Cathe for about 2 years now with great results. I have become much more fit, strong and confident which has led to a great new job. My problem (problem?) is that I beat my boyfriend in arm wrestling. On Friday night, I challenged him (dumb?) and took him down with...