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  1. K

    New Workouts + Cross Train XPRESS - Spreadsheets to track weights/dates?

    Hi all! Anyone have Excel spreadsheets already made up for these workouts? I'm looking for a spreadsheet that lists all the weight exercises so I can record date + the weight amount I use. I'm also looking for one for the cross train express series. I am working on creating one but if...
  2. K


    WHOO-HOOOOO! As a new mommy - time is certainly limited for my workouts so this workout will be great, I think. :) (I am loving XPRESS right now!) I am also VERY excited about the Traveler's workout mentioned and hope this becomes a reality! THANKS! Kelli
  3. K

    need help with sleep issue!!

    do you have a wrap or a sling you can wear her in? this might allow you to get some things done and help her sleep at night. have you checked out the sears books - attachment parenting and/or the baby book? both talk about wearing your baby. good luck!!!!
  4. K

    Spreadsheet for new dvds?

    awesome! thanks Laura! tell me what's new in your world when you have a chance! :)
  5. K

    Spreadsheet for new dvds?

    come on educated crowd! I know someone has done this already! i have no time (i'm lucky if I get to work out! my newborn keeps me busy!!!) so if I don't have one - it'll just be a surprise each time I do the workouts! hee hee. :-)
  6. K

    Spreadsheet for new dvds?

    bumping this up....just started the new dvd's and would LOVE a copy of the breakdown - if anyone's done this yet. thanks a bunch!!!! :-)
  7. K

    Spreadsheet for new dvds?

    Sorry if I missed this...but has anyone compiled an Excel Spreadsheet with exercises for the new dvd's? Would love to have a copy if so! thanks a bunch!
  8. K

    when did you start working out again???

    I'm about 2 weeks post partum and getting anxious about starting my workouts up again...i've been walking and doing some kegels but that's about it. I tore a little bit during the delivery and am concerned about messing that up (1st degree - stitches plus a smaller tear, no stitches). When did...
  9. K

    Protein powders ?

    I've been using Nutribiotics Chocolate Rice Protein Powder (I order from I like it because it doesn't have hardly anything other than pure vegan protein: Ingredients: Enzymatically processed rice protein from California brown rice, natural chocolate flavor, guar gum, xanthan...
  10. K

    Recommendations for baby & me workouts?

    bumping this back up to the top - I wanna see what you mamas recommend too! :-)
  11. K

    New DVD Replacement Update – Nov 7th

    Y'all rock! Thanks for the A+++ customer service.
  12. K

    Ryka / other hi impact shoes + coupon code

    Ever since my favorite shoes (Freddy brand) were no longer avail in the US, I've been putting off buying a new pair....I desperately need to get some...I used to be a Ryka fan until I found Freddy. What does the educated crowd recommend these days??? Also - if it's Ryka - I used to wear size...
  13. K

    Please tell me I am (again) being irrational (fear exercise hurting baby)

    Hey educated moms & moms to be! I've just passed the 29 week point - yay! I have for the most part gotten past all my fears that something I did would have hurt my little one (pretty much all irrational - I worried a lot during the first tri as I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks last year)...
  14. K


    Hi - I too had issues with fertility (hate the word infertility - it is so final!) after 3 years (plus one miscarriage) we are pregnant with #1. I learned a TON from the forum and definitely check out Toni Weschler's book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. You might see if your...
  15. K

    UPDATE 7/28/06

    WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the great update Cathe!
  16. K


    Hi Anne - I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I too suffered a miscarriage - our first pregnancy after 2.5 years of trying. Our doctor said to wait 3 months so we did but I have heard of people trying after a month or two without a problem. Chinese medicine (i did herbs/acupuncture)...
  17. K

    Suggestions for good prenatal dvds?

    I like The Perfect Pregnancy Workout for strength training and for yoga, Dr. Christine Anderson's Prenatal Yoga. I like the yoga exercises in the yoga tape but I find Dr. Anderson and the background music extremely annoying. However, from what I've read and experienced, this is one of the...
  18. K


    I have read that you should avoid lying on your back. I do all ab work on my ball, making sure to keep my back well supported. A video I have (The Pregnancy Workout - which is pretty good) shows using pillows to support the back. This is probably better because of the balance issues you may run...