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  1. hrcfitness

    Need recs for a good spin bike for home

    I just got a Pelaton bike a few months ago and I love it! The cost is around $1800 and if you want you can do the on demand for $39/month. I did the financing option and it's great. I decdied to do the $39/month for the ondemand since that is so much cheaper than taking classes somewhere...
  2. hrcfitness

    Cathe Live Sticks at times...

    Thanks!!! Ok I'm going to call the cable company asap!
  3. hrcfitness

    Cathe Live Sticks at times...

    test comes out to a should I use the Low or the High Quality?
  4. hrcfitness

    Cathe Live Sticks at times...

    So I'm trying to figure out why when I play my Cathe Lives they "stick". I can still hear the audio but he picture stops. It usually catches up but any idea why this is happening to me? Also today I'm not sure what was going on but The Step HIIT workout just basically stopped a few times...
  5. hrcfitness

    Why does Cathe Live "stick" at times

    So I'm trying to figure out why when I play my Cathe Lives they "stick". I can still hear the audio but he picture stops. It usually catches up but any idea why this is happening to me? Also today I'm not sure what was going on but The Step HIIT workout just basically stopped a few times...
  6. hrcfitness

    Live Workouts are AWESOME!

    For those of you that have not yet tried the Cathe Live Workouts you are missing out! I've now done all 3 and they just keep getting better! Once again Cathe and crew have out done themselves!
  7. hrcfitness

    Anyone Struggling With High Utility Bills?

    CRAZY!! We live outside of Boston and actually are selling our house due to the cost of running it. it's a huge house and now that the kids are never home we just don't need to pay these crazy bills. Our heating bill for oil (heats both water and house) is $600 per MONTH for 10 months out of...
  8. hrcfitness

    Job Interview!

    So happy for you!! What great news!!!
  9. hrcfitness

    Job Interview!

    Private Message Just sent you a Private Message.
  10. hrcfitness

    Beyonce looks amazing!

    I only watched the Grammy's for a few minutes last night but I have to say Beyonce looked awesome! I love that she is curvy sexy woman! I think it's awesome to see that she is real! She's beautiful and looks fit and healthy!
  11. hrcfitness

    Getting Leaner Legs

    Hi Cathe, Do you have a rotation that you would recommend for really leaning out the Legs? I have STS and was thinking that if I did that and combined it with some of the metabolic workouts...thoughts? Thanks Elena
  12. hrcfitness

    Vet in Charleston SC

    Hi All, This is completely off topic but is there anyone in the Charleston SC area that can recommend a good vet? My son is a student at the College of Charleston and he found a stray kitten. He wants to take her to the vet to get her checked out. He's thinking he may keep her as well. He's...
  13. hrcfitness

    Dream body cardio

    I tried these again last week and couldn't get into them so I put the set up for sale on ebay. Just not for me. Elena
  14. hrcfitness

    How Heavy in Slow & Heavy

    I just got S&H and I did the Chests, Back portion the other day. I was in shock that I was using weights that were MUCH higher than Cathe. In some cases I was using 25 and 30lbs when she was using 15's! Am I doing something wrong? And to boot I didn't even have DOMS all that bad. Would I be...
  15. hrcfitness

    Flex train

    LOVE Flex Train! Flex train is just amazing! If you have Supercuts that is a good sub. I just did this one the other day and was smiling all the way through. The music is great the tempo/speed is's just all around a fun good workout! It should go on your wish list!
  16. hrcfitness

    Two cats talking together, so cute.

    So cute! you would have no way of knowing this but I needed this sooo much today! on NYE my 2 year old kitty Izzy nibbled on a Lily plant and has been at the vet hospital since. She is sick and they are worried about her kidneys. Her little buddy Sally (our other cat) is so lonely without...
  17. hrcfitness

    Dec. Butt Rotation Check In

    Hi All, Today I did Afterburn. Tomorrow is Muscle Max for me. This past week I followed the Jan. Rotation Cathe put in the 2014 calendar. I like it! But next week I really need to add in more lower body work. The jeans are on...but they are tight! Have a good day! Elena
  18. hrcfitness

    Dec. Butt Rotation Check In

    Hi Everyone, I'm following the Jan. Rotation that Cathe put in the 2014 Calendar. I'm having to make a few switches as I don't have every DVD. So today I did the original Boot Camp. Honestly I thought it would be "easy"...well NOT! It really did have me huffing and puffing! Love pulling out...
  19. hrcfitness

    Dec. Butt Rotation Check In

    Today was cross fire for me. Hope all is well with everyone.
  20. hrcfitness

    fitness goals for 2014

    2014: 1 - only drink on weekends 2- exercise in the am before work 3 - drink less diet coke