Search results

  1. Rookwood

    Hiccups between chapters in STS 2.0

    I just had a chance to check my DVD Player today, and found that I am also having this issue. DVD Player: OPPO DV-970HD
  2. Rookwood

    Great Glutes

    I emphasize lower body work in my informal "rotations," so it's hard for me to get to the point of soreness anymore. However...for some reason, the lower body work from Total Body Trisets (Low Impact series) gets me every time. I think it's the move where you balance on one leg and repeatedly...
  3. Rookwood

    News Flash

    Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. If it's any consolation, I'm really enjoying the pre-recorded LIVE classes with the heavier weights. It's a wonderful complement to the existing body of work.
  4. Rookwood

    Cathe Live Menu Request

    You are most welcome! Feels good to be able to share with others since I know it's been very useful to me.
  5. Rookwood

    Cathe Live Menu Request

    I'm attaching my master list of live workouts, which should allow you to look-up the number of the workout you're currently on so you can get the name for typing directly into the search field. It's plain text, no fancy formatting, should open with most text editors.
  6. Rookwood

    Cathe Live Menu Request

    I have been doing detailed breakdowns of all of Cathe's live workouts and hence could post a master list here for everyone to use as a quick reference. Not ideal, but would work as an interim solution until the apps are updated. I don't know what the character limit is here, though, so I might...
  7. Rookwood

    How to stay fit when sick

    Not Cathe (obviously) but I will say from experience that your biggest challenge when sick is to keep your fitness HABIT. The fitness level itself is something you can get back but, man, if you lose the habit of working out, it can be extremely difficult to recover. suggestion is to not...
  8. Rookwood

    Upper Body & Cardio Intervals?

    Also: Live 216 Upper Body Circuit with HIIT Live 225 Breathless Upper Body Live 320 Halloween Hocus Pocus Live 336 Low Impact Cardio Compound Upper Body Live 360 Pumped Up Upper Body Live 370 Chiseled Upper Body Blast Live 380 Cardio Upper Core Circuit
  9. Rookwood

    Step and strength circuit premixes

    Total Body Circuits: - Body Max 2: Boot Camp premix 78 min - Body Max 2: Cardio & Weights premix 70.5 min - Kick, Punch & Crunch from the Body Blast series: "Kickbox and High Step Circuit 50 min" - Kick, Punch & Crunch from the Body Blast series: "Kickbox Cardio Drills Plus Kickbox and Strength...
  10. Rookwood

    favorite Cathe ab sectons?

    I really like the abs in Turbo Barre (it has that move where you anchor one elbow and then do a partial sit-up).
  11. Rookwood

    Poll: Tracking/recording your workouts/rotations ?

    Captain OCD here! I preview each workout when I first get it, typing-in notes in Word about the exercises and weights that Cathe uses. I then print that out and use it to make notes as I do the workout, including which weights I used. I update the Word doc with those notes, print out a fresh...
  12. Rookwood

    Way to measure band tension?

    Hooray! So happy to hear this.
  13. Rookwood

    Laptops at the gym

    Another person here who's done this, both in small hotel workout rooms and big lavish ones while traveling. The only issue has been not wanting to bother other people with the audio. Whenever I didn't have the room to myself, I just stuck to workouts that I knew well enough to do without the...
  14. Rookwood

    Important News About Cathe Live

    I'm guessing this is the best place to report bugs/issues with the new live site... I'm noticing the audio being out of sync on at least some of them (LIVE 197 Cardio Kickboxing and Cardio Barre, for example). I'm on a MacBook Pro with Mojave v 10.14.6 running it in Chrome Version 79.0.3945.130...
  15. Rookwood

    Is this the appropriate place to report problems with the on-demand workout blender?

    I went back through my steps and it looks like the problem is fixed. Thank you! I will continue playing with it a bit and see if the problem crops up in any other situations.
  16. Rookwood

    Is this the appropriate place to report problems with the on-demand workout blender?

    Okay, I think I have reliable steps to reproduce now: 1. Go to the workout blender 2. Click on the “My workouts” tab and sort A-Z 3. Click on the "Video Library" tab, select HIIT 40/20 and drag it over to the purple "Videos" pane. Note that the chapters have populated to the yellow...
  17. Rookwood

    Is this the appropriate place to report problems with the on-demand workout blender?

    No, this is an actual change to the workout itself, not just a temporary display problem. Exiting the browser and coming back fresh does not fix it: once the old workout has been overwritten, it can't be recovered.
  18. Rookwood

    Is this the appropriate place to report problems with the on-demand workout blender?

    The other problem I've run into - and this one is not urgent or anything - is that the "favorite" hearts keep appearing next to workouts that I have not selected as favorites. If I un-check the heart, it just comes back. Am I misunderstanding how those are supposed to work?
  19. Rookwood

    Is this the appropriate place to report problems with the on-demand workout blender?

    I am having trouble with the workout blender wiping-out workouts I've created and replacing them with segments from more recently-created workouts. For instance: I created a circuit workout that used parts of STS Disc 16 and cardio segments from Step, Pump & Jump. I subsequently created a...
  20. Rookwood

    Is this the appropriate place to report problems with the on-demand workout blender?

    Is this the appropriate place to report problems with the on-demand workout blender? I ask because I am having trouble with some of my earlier workouts being overwritten when I create new workouts.