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    Question on Paul Chek books

    I have his fabulous book "How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy!". It's really thorough and covers diet, exercise, and lifestyle. There are several questionnaires in the beginning. Based on your results he gives thorough recommendations on your lifestyle and how you should eat and exercise. I...
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    Ryka Enlight II vs. Ryka N-gage studio shoe

    I had the Enlight's, and now use the N-Gage. The Enlight's were fabulous, the N-Gage's I don't like. They feel stiff around the ankle and don't have the bottom padding the Enlight's have. Thanks for posting - I'm going to order the Enlights myself. Randi
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    Door Gym(pull up bar)

    I have one. Here's a link to a description of exactly what I have: I really like it. I use it often and have had no problems with it. But, since you are in an apartment, I should tell you that the bar does blacken...
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    instructor certification question

    I just completed the GroupX Instructor Training at 24Hour Fitness literally an hour ago. It was exhausting, but now I have the necessary credential to teach at any of their locations. They are desperate for new instructors and are continually conducting this training at their larger gyms...
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    Educated opinions about "colon cleansing"

    RE: Educated opinions about I was on a cruise last December and I attended several lectures by the spa staff that discussed colon cleansing. I thought the whole thing was hype just to sell their service, but others in the audience were impressed. One point the lecturers emphasized is that...
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    Don't order from

    I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I've ordered from them several times and had no problems - good service, good prices, fast shipping. But I've never had to return anything. Randi
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    Silly Joke for Friday Night!

    That was great! More! More! Thanks for the laugh! Randi
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    Paul Chek's article on vegetarianism

    I ran across this yesterday and thought it might interest some people here. Paul Chek is definitely against vegetarianism based on historical cultural studies, etc, but he does favor eating only organic meat products. Here's the article: Randi
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    I'm 48 and have had absolutely no pain or issues since I started working out consistently 3 years ago. I've found Pilates especially beneficial as I've gained a half inch in height since incorporating it once a week into my workouts. Randi
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    I have a fairly pronounced case of scoliosis combined with a noticeable rotation of my hips and a leg length discrepancy of almost 2". I was advised by my physical therapist some 25 years ago to always keep my core strong or I would suffer major back pain. I've definitely found this to be...
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    You're welcome, Angela! Glad you found it useful. For me it's been a goldmine of great info. Good luck! Randi
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    There is a fantastic website that deals entirely with sugar control and addiction; There is a lot of info on the website about avoiding sugar. The free newsletter has fantastic articles on how sugar affects moods and biochemistry. The webmaster, Kathleen DesMaisons...
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    Pain in the back of my knee?

    I wrote about my knee issue, which sounds pretty identical to yours, in the thread "Squats/knee problems". Mine also started one morning - I just woke up with it, and the pain was in the back of my knee towards the outside. There was no swelling. I had an MRI done which showed mild fraying of...
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    Squats/knee problems

    I also developed a knee problem from squats a few months ago. Squats caused pain in the back right side behind my right knee, but interestingly lunges caused no pain at all. I went to an orthopedic surgeon and had an MRI done. The MRI showed mild fraying of the lateral meniscus and...
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    Does the tongue of your Ryka Enlights slip to the side or down??

    RE: Does the tongue of your Ryka Enlights slip to the s... This has always happened to all of my sneakers, including my Ryka's. I have always attributed it to having high arches which cause the tongue to fall to the outside of the shoe.
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    Cathe Step on Carpet?

    I use a no-pile childs play area rug (4'x6', sold at Home Depot) on top of my carpet. It does move around some during long hi-lo routines so I adjust it every 5 minutes or so. I don't have any foot drag issues with it but I am careful with pivot moves. To put it away, I just roll it up and...
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    OT - anyone seen any good movies?

    I saw Flight Plan with my teen-age sons, and we all liked it. Jodie Foster is fantastic. I was thoroughly hooked into the movie and it "haunted" me for a couple of days. It's a thriller, and that airplane is something else!
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    Mom delivers 16th child!!!! YOWZA!!!

    Back in my young and single days (early 1980's), I spent 6 months in a small town in northern Israel doing volunteer work in an elementary school. Most of the families were immigrants from north Africa. The average number of kids per family was 14, and many had 18 or more. They all lived in...
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    intestines and abdominal size

    Here's an article by Paul Chek which addresses this very issue. Hope it helps! Randi
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    Getting used to bifocals x (

    Don't give up, Kathryn! I've been wearing these for 5 years now. It did take a week or two of continuous wearing for me to get used to them. I made myself wear them all the time, and I did eventually get used to them. But some people just can't get used to them. What made it harder for me...