Search results

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    healthy, clean peanut butter?

    The best pb I've ever had is the "grind your own" at Whole Foods from organic peanuts. They have a machine in the store and you grind as much pb as you want.
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    How do you know if your core is weak

    Just a thought: Your lower back pain could be symptomatic of a medical issue. For example, people with spinal stenosis may have back pain with many exercises, as can people with compressed spinal discs (very common).
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    I took a few teenage boys to see this yesterday. At the end of the movie the whole theatre of people said, almost in unison: "where's the ending?". I've never seen so many people react like that. I actually found the movie riveting, after a slow start. The ending, actually lack-of-ending...
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    too many apples and hummus

    I've been freezing hummus from Whole Foods for up to 2 months at a time for years now with no problem. Love it!
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    Nutrisystem anyone?

    Just some points to consider: 1. From the experience of a friend, the food is not very filling. She was often hungry and often supplemented with the allowed extra foods, like yogurt. However, the food does taste good, and yes, it is frozen. 2. This diet does not teach you how to eat in...
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    clean eating by Reno questions

    Sorry Linda - no mention of soy milk either, just dairy. I think the study only looked at the effects of dairy. Randi
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    clean eating by Reno questions

    Regarding question #2, I've recently read that a study showed that adding dairy to coffee (and tea) neutralized the effects of the beneficial antioxidants naturally contained in coffee and tea. Artificial creamers were not mentioned. Randi
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    Opinions of "Bring Your Triglycerides Down Naturally"

    RE: Opinions of I don't know about this book, but my triglycerides dropped more than 50 points when I started taking fish oil (omega 3) capsules. Randi
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    Which Whole grain bread is good???

    I love Ezekial bread too and always store it in the freezer. What works for me is that before I freeze it I make sure all of the slices are not sticking together. This involves taking the bread out of the bag and manually pulling the slices apart, then putting them back in the bag and into the...
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    So what's important when choosing a gym?

    If it were my choice I'd definitely choose #2. I joined a big chain gym a year ago because the personal trainer I'd worked with wanted to work out with me as a workout partner after our sessions ended. So we've been going regularly and using both free weights and machines and especially the...
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    Ideas for Vegas

    Some of my favorite activities are sightseeing the big hotels on the Strip - especially the Luxor, the shopping areas at Caesar's Palace and the Venetian (all are visually spectacular). Being from New York and no longer living there, I love to go to the New York New York hotel and reminisce...
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    TTOM: I think I just died and went to hell...I have a ?...

    I'm sorry to hear that you're in such pain. I personally don't have this issue but I read a lot and came across these thorough well-documented articles which explain these issues and describe potential treatments (conventional medicine, lifestyle and nutritional): About PMS...
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    any good songs?

    I am loving "Rompe" by Yankee Daddy. It was played during my recent Turbokick certification class, and it rocks!
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    Liver enzyme test

    I take Lipitor and have to have quarterly blood tests to monitor cholesterol and liver function. Last year one of my tests showed elevated liver enzymes - well above the upper limit. The doctor said not to worry - wait for confirmation from the next test. Sure enough, my next test showed...
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    looking to buy BOOTCAMP-vhs

    I do, but I don't think it is appropriate to discuss this here. Send me an email or PM me on the site - I'm vidfan there also. Randi
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    Brooks Energy Shorts

    Karin, I just wanted to thank you for this post. I ordered 2 pairs for myself as your description was just what I have been hunting for forever. I got them - and they're perfect! I may order some more. Randi
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    High Triglycerides

    The advice to lower your fat intake seems off to me. Nuts actually help with triglyceride levels. High triglycerides are more related to high simple carbohydrate intake. I got my triglycerides down 100 points using fish oil supplements and reducing simple carbs. Here's part of a great...
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    for those of you working out in the living room

    I've been using my kids old no-pile 4'x6' play rug for almost 10 years now. I got it from Home Depot and I think they still sell them. It does shift during workouts and I have to stop and reposition it every 10 minutes or so during cardio workouts. When I'm done I roll it up and throw it...
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    Instructors balancing own workouts with classes

    Have you started taking any medication? Sometimes that can interfere with weight loss. I was losing weight steadily, 30lbs over 6 months, but the DAY I went on Lipitor 2-1/2 years ago that weight loss stopped dead. Since then I haven't been able to drop even 1 measely pound (and I have 20lbs...
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    Instructors balancing own workouts with classes

    Have you started taking any medication? Sometimes that can interfere with weight loss. I was losing weight steadily, 30lbs over 6 months, but the DAY I went on Lipitor 2-1/2 years ago that weight loss stopped dead. Since then I haven't been able to drop even 1 measely pound (and I have 20lbs...