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  1. Z


    We don't know for sure he will be separated (country club prison) or he will be in the big house. I hope he will be in the big house. Big boys don't like people like Scott. I HOPE he will be in the big house. Not every HIGH profile cases/murderers are in a separated prison. Take serial killers...
  2. Z


    Double posted. Sorry! :-)
  3. Z


    WD, They will try to appeal it but he's going to lose. They're going to use the same jury. Even if he gets the death penalty (which I hope he does BIG TIME) he will be sitting on the death rown for at least 20 yrs before they actually execute him if that happens. It's in Cali. so who knows how...
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    I agree with Dawn BIG time. If you allow them to do that, they could take advantage of you by bringing more people over, different people. NO WAY. Also, not to sound prude, ladies shouldn't be having a guy over NO MATTER IF SHE'S IN A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP. If she does it elsewhere, that's her...
  5. Z

    Short story suggestions

    Shakespeare is considered a play so I don't know if Jillybean would want to do that. Those comedies you mentioned are funny although I prefer tragedy and romance. Hamlet is my most fav. play of 'Speare. I will post more. I have to run. Nice to see someone else appreciate Shakespeare!
  6. Z

    Short story suggestions

    The Best American Short Stories is another good option. My DH and I have a big collection of books. If I run across some more, I'll post more.
  7. Z

    Short story suggestions

    Another option is James Joyce's Araby. I haven't read this one in a while so I don't remember how long this one is but you could also read Sophocles' Oedipus. Poetry....I have PLENTY of suggestions. Let me know if you'd like more suggestions. Have fun!