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  1. G


    I don't know what's been happening for the past two weeks. Seems every time I workout, I get dizzy and lose concentration. I can't give it my all and go full force like I have been. What gives? I am an advanced exerciser and just don't know what is going on with me. I would appreciate any...
  2. G


    I tried it and it made me VERY depressed and I was only on it for about 3 weeks because of the depression, and I felt no increased libido. If you find anything, let me know 'cause I am still on the lookout!! Nik
  3. G

    Has anyone heard of or had any experience with ISSA Certification?

    I have been wanting to get certified for about three years now and just don't have the money to pay it all at once. Something has always come up when I was even close to having it all. I spoke with a customer service rep on the phone on Friday and they will split my payments up for me, since I...
  4. G

    stomach problems

    I deal with this as well- ALL THE TIME! I want to becaome an aerobics instructor, but man, I have so much gas all the time and bloatedness that I don't know how I will be able to do it! My stomcah feels just the same as yours when I haven't eaten- HEAVENLY!! It doesn't matter if I just eat a...
  5. G

    Inner Ear Infection

    The weird thing is my doctor didn't give me an antibiotic for this. He just gave me some type of medicine used for motion sickness. Does this sound right? I am thinking of getting a second opinion, as I do not have a family doctor who I see regularly so it won't hurt and I have insurance. Nik
  6. G

    Inner Ear Infection

    Hope you are better Kim. I can do light weight training and it is better if I lay down and do it. I tried to do heavy work-no way! Then I did Karen Voight Energy Sprint "arms" parts at the end of the cardio and was fine doing that. I just don't want to lose any of my definition and have to...
  7. G

    Inner Ear Infection

    I am a new poster here- not new to Cathe by any means, though :9 About two weeks ago, I noticed that I would get a "light" feeling while working out, couldn't get focused, loss of balance, and just plain tired so quickly into my workout. I went to the doctor last Wednesday because it got so...