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  1. S

    Workout Abbreviations

    Hi there:) so glad to see an abbreviation list WITH their meanings!! I was going to post the same question. Sorry to butt in here but there is an abbreviation that I haven't figured out yet...maybe I'm a bit dense here but what is DOMS - that thing people get after a tough workout?
  2. S

    Passion of Christ

    I haven't seen The Passion. I heard it was gory and almost over done, so I've been too scared to watch it; in saying that, I've watched movies such as: The Samurai, Braveheart, Joan of Arc etc. Is it worse than those? Would it be too much for a 14 year old boy with a bit of a 'too hard...
  3. S

    Things I just don't get...

    I don't get why my friend used to bike to work to keep fit...with a smoke hanging out her mouth! And yeah...that dishwasher thing...I have that problem here too - why do my kids dump their dishes on the bench even when the dishwasher door is open and waiting. Sometimes I get really mad at...
  4. S

    Have you gone from flabby abs to washboard abs?

    It sounds like abs are a bigger problem than I feared:+ I bet if I did a poll on the parts of our bodies that we are the most uncomfortable with...abs would probably top the list!
  5. S

    a non-morning person working out in the early am?

    yep, it is possible to become a morning exerciser. I did it and I am truely the most impossible person in the world. I am my own worst nightmare when it comes to good habits...but...since August I have been getting up at 6am, Monday to Saturday and haven't missed a beat. I could never fit...
  6. S

    Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Problem

    If you have no joy with contacting the author (I hope you do though), depending on what has happened with your PC, sometimes they can be fixed and your files recovered. That happened to me. My PC got fried thanks to lightning; they replaced something (can't remember what now), and managed to...
  7. S

    Where to begin?

    Hi Diana, Your reply is not too late. I plan on putting in my order in the next day or so. Thanks. Now, when you mention Cathe step, do you mean her Basic Step + Body Fusion DVD? and also, which DVD do you mean is the beginner weight workout? My apologies for more silly questions.
  8. S

    Where to begin?

    I was actually wondering about jumping in to something more advanced...but I have been worried about how I would get on with any fancy footwork. How did you get on with the footwork? Does Cathe have lots of fancy moves?
  9. S

    Have you gone from flabby abs to washboard abs?

    Thanks, I needed to hear someone say something like that:+
  10. S

    Real stubborn ABs

    some food for thought there...thanks. I have just posted under the open section too, thanks for the idea:)
  11. S

    Have you gone from flabby abs to washboard abs?

    My abs are the only part of me not willing to tone upx( If you have had really flabby abs (especially if you have had several kids!), and have turned them into dream abs...please tell me how you did it!!
  12. S

    Where to begin?

    Nope, you're not confusing me...this is great, thanks so much:)
  13. S

    Real stubborn ABs

    Where's a smilie with a blushing face! My diet is a bug bear. I actually don't eat very much at all. Not dieting or anything, I just get caught up in life and then realise I have missed a few meals; you know how that goes...then you reach for something instant, which is just about always...
  14. S

    Where to begin?

    Well...that's an excellent question! I suddenly realise I have just been going throught the motions of working out, without any guiding vision for myself. I also realise how little I know about what I am doing! However, I do know I will need something like a Step workout - I do have to watch...
  15. S

    Where to begin?

    Cathe is beginning to sound like she becomes an addiction:-) At least it sounds like her workouts take people to their limits! I have reached the end of all my old workouts now. Just did one of my Firm tapes this morning and it didn't even really challenge me; and I heavied up on the weights...
  16. S

    Real stubborn ABs

    I've been working out 6x per week for about 3 months now and all my workouts have been getting easy ... except for the abs segmentsx( My youngest child is 8, so it's not like I've just had a baby! I'm not overweight, but this last year my tummy has started to form a wee pouch x( x( (too...
  17. S

    Where to begin?

    Thanks for the replies (and the welcomes too...that's real nice:-) ). At least I know where to begin now!!
  18. S

    Where do I begin?

    Thanks for the replies:-) It definitely helps to hear from others who have 'been there'. At least I know what to order now;)
  19. S

    Where do I begin?

    I have been working out to various different workouts for about three months now, and have just found out about Cathe. There are so many DVD's to choose from my head is spinning:o I guess I'd be an intermediate exerciser - I've worked out to quite a few of 'The Firm' workouts and have now met...
  20. S

    Where to begin?

    I have been working out to various different workouts for about three months now, and have just found out about Cathe. There are so many DVD's to choose from my head is spinning:o I guess I'd be an intermediate exerciser - I've worked out to quite a few of 'The Firm' workouts and have now met...