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  1. A

    Increasing cardio capacity

    roe - boy is that the truth! I started doing Cathe's tapes several weeks ago, and have done part of imax 3 times. I'm up to 5 intervals! I was depressed because I'm a runner and thought boy I never realized how out of shape I am. Last Sunday I went for a three mile run, I normally do a 9.5 to...
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    WW/Cathe Check In Week 2

    Hi! just started the WP, and am confused about ap's. can anyone tell me ap's for pub but without the stability ball ab section - I substituted 5 day ab segment from the firm. And while I'm bugging you, what about plb? and is imax a pt per 20 minutes. I just can't get this new ap thing...
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    fitprime-new fav move

    I'm new to Cathe so I can't compare the two, but I can say this. Fitrpime is some of the old instructors like Susan Harris that went with Anna when she left, and they are much tougher than the new Firm stuff. As far as I'm concerned if you use heavy weights the old classic firms and fitprime...
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    Safe VCR Mailing Procedures

    normandy - I have also ordered fitprime tapes thru amazon and they were shipped same way as Cathe tapes. Amazon and have been my only two experiences to date. Hope you get your problem resoved quickly, I know stuff like that is frustrating!
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    Safe VCR Mailing Procedures

    Normandy - just got mine (5 tapes) in a box filled with styrofaom eggs and marked fragile on the outside, haven't viewed them yet but they look fine. ordered from this website, they were sent ups. Amy
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    BFL Check-in #8

    Hi guys - its my free day and I'm loving it! relaxing at the computer before starting work, drinking coffee and eating cinnamon english muffins. Yea there is an "s" at the end of muffin cause one just didn't do it - had to have two :-) . Should be good for a couple hours now, then some fruit...
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    BFL Check-in #8

    Hi Guys! didn't have achance to check in yesterday. well my second week (or first if you cancel out last week due to easter candy binge on Sunday!) is over. I did good using firm tapes and running alternating upper, lower, cardio. eating was clean except had some extra pasta last night with...
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    BFL Check-in #8

    I definitly will be checking out the info on the site you gave me! thanks for the input, it was really hard to eat the other beef patty - would rather have had an apple, but then my carbs would have been high and my protein low, its like a conspiracy! Also, my height is 63 and 3/4 inches and...
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    BFL Check-in #8

    thanks teddygirl and fitnut for the warm welcome. sure am glad I found you guys because I get really confused on this healthy eating stuff!!! Ok so today was cardio (did tae bo) plus abs. I'm doing the firms 5 day abs every other day. cardio wasn't as good as I would have liked. I haven't...
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    Healthy Snacks

    I love to take a slice of lean smoked turkey breast and roll a slice of fat free american cheese and some spinache leaves up in it - it tastes great, is a good protein source and very filling!
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    BFL Check-in #8

    Hi everyone, I'm pretty new here and was wondering if I can join this thread. 2 weeks ago I started using the BFL techniques although I am not actually registered for the challange, I like the book and the approach very much. I have been doing a routine of 2 lower per week, 2 upper per week, 2...
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    videos to purchase

    Hi everyone, this is my first post and I haven't bought any Cathe videos yet. Here is what I am thinking of and would like opinions. I am currently on a 6 day rotation as follows: day 1 interval cardio/a.m. day 2 lower body a.m./ cardio (running) p.m day 3 upper body a.m. day 4 interval...