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  1. I

    Summer Fitness Challenge Jan 24-30

    Good morning everyone. I've been MIA for awhile - I had the flu and have been out of exercise action for almost two weeks now! I'm going to get started today with a light w/o. I've been scanning through old rotations and since I'm so far off now, I'm going to get on track with some circuit w/o's...
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    Indianapolis Colts!!!! Go Colts

    Go Colts! I live in Southern Indiana! Oh, and I'll be at the Convention Center all weekend for JAMFEST SUPER NATIONALS (trying to sound like the announcer)!!!!!!!!! My daughter has a cheer thing. Even though I wish the Colts were playing on their home turf, I'm glad I don't have to deal with...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge Jan 9-16

    Well, I did Imax - almost - that one needed to be done when I didn't have my 3 and 4 year old boys in the same room. I spent every cool down segment getting something! My legs are still hurting me, though. I think that was the only day it was listed, too, for the rotation. Off to bed for now -...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge Jan 9-16

    Good morning! Congrats FFD on the engagement! I did PLB last night - wow! What a workout. I still very new to most of Cathe's workouts, I only had ME and BC until about three weeks ago and have gone nuts! Every day is a new workout. I'm LOVIN' it, though. I've not worked this hard. This...
  5. I

    Confidentiality between patient and doctor

    I had to sign a consent and list who my MD could give info to the last time I went. I also had to do one for the kids, too. It's a hard situation - we can't even tell another nurse/MD info if they are not directly involved with the patient. When you know it's just a caring situation, it's hard...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge Jan 9-16

    Good morning everyone. I actually crawled out of bed and did 1/2 hour on the treadmill. Nothing spectacular, but I'm excited that I even did it at all. Maybe I CAN become a morning exerciser. Why is it that eating "clean" is the hardest thing! It seems like the harder I try, the more stuff...
  7. I

    Summer Fitness Challenge Jan 9-16

    I did Imax2 this afternoon, plus did the treadmill for 30 minutes this a.m. I'm now officially "caught up" from my strange week. Tomorrow will be PLB and I'm going to try to get up and treadmill before work - that is SO HARD for me! Lea Anne - DH said he put olive oil and salt/pepper. It was...
  8. I

    Summer Fitness Challenge January 4 - 9

    Just a quick check in. I did manage to get PUB and Step Blast done this afternoon. Oh, the burn. Tomorrow is Imax2 then I'll be caught up. I've gotten into the habit of weighing each Monday at work and tracking it there. And I too have this urge to w/o out everyday. I feel like I've not...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge January 4 - 9

    Dynamo - I am so sorry about your student, being an ICCU nurse, we see many people, young and old, who attempt this, and also hear news of those who succeeded (sad word to use). There are so many issues these people have that are much deeper. It's my understanding, too, that when the decision is...
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    Summer Fitness Challenge January 4 - 9

    Hi everyone. I'd like to check in also. I've lurked around for awhile here and decided to do the January rotation - I've been adding a new dvd or two a week. I know it's cheaper in bulk, but I need the immediate gratification! I've lost almost 50lb since last January - doing mostly firm videos...
  11. I

    Sub for Kick Punch Crunch

    I've decided to do the January rotation, but my KPC dvd will not be here until Wednesday (as well as LG,PPUB,and IMAX2), what would be a good substitution? This is what I have: Boot Camp, Muscle Endurance, Step Blast, Rhythmic Step, Imax and MIC. Thanks a bunch. Lisa