Search results

  1. C

    good women's magazine

    thanks, i just purchased womens health also, i haven't finished it yet but so far i like it pretty well. just wanted some ideas from other fitness buffs. i have heard of the oxygen one before but not "onfitness" or "muscle and fitness hers" . i will definitely look into it . are they hard...
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    i am hooked on p90x

    thanks ladies for the info. i've already looked at the sites you suggested and i've saved them to my favorites so that i can return to learn more later. thanks and have a great day! joetta
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    next dvd?

    hi cathe. thanks so much for all of your motivation. i absolutely love the 4 day split series. i even talked my sister into purchasing it and she isn't into exercising much. anyhow, i know you've got the sts series coming out and it has been a really big project i'm sure ,but i was just...
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    i am hooked on p90x

    i'm sorry if i sound dumb , but what is p90x? thanks,
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    good women's magazine

    hello out there. can anyone tell me the name(s) of a good women's health/fitness magazine? one that is truly worth the purchase? also, i was reading on here a week or so ago and ran across some references to a book called "feed the muscle burn the fat" (i think) . can anyone tell me if...
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    cathe's weight rack , can it be purchased

    thank you for the info. i'll try that.
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    cathe's weight rack , can it be purchased

    hi, i'm wondering if the weight rack that is used in cathe's 4 day split videos (which i love, love) is available for sale? does anyone know and if you do could you point me in the right direction? thanks, :-)
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    resistance bands

    thank you ladies i've looked at these sights and fwonline looks like a winner. thanks again. joetta
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    resistance bands

    hi, i'm hoping someone might point me in the right direction. i received the resistance band that was free with the hardcore series but it broke. i can't find another like it. all of the ones i find are too short or thick, etc. if anyone knows where i can purchase one i'd be grateful if...
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    Workout Blender Option

    hi its been quite some time since i have posted anything but i wanted to respond to this. i would be for the workout blender option. i'm looking forward to having more cathe workout options. i love the new dvds that i just recieved recently. thanks, cathe
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    pregnancy and working out? how much?

    i've noticed that several people have looked at this and noone has replied. i'd still love some advice from someone who's been there. thanks again.
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    how did pregnancy effect your workouts

    hi again thanks so much for the input. i'd love to hear more and to become part of this "family" of moms to be. i found the pregnancy guide at lily... web site but can't figure out how to get it to my signature. any help would be great. thanks again. joetta:D
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    pregnancy and working out? how much?

    hi cathe i've recently found out that i'm expecting our 4th child. this was highly unexpected. i'm 36 and i just this past year have gotten my body very close to where i'd like it to be. this is hard for me mostly in the eating department. anyhow, i have your hardcore series and hadn't even...
  14. C

    how did pregnancy effect your workouts

    hi everyone, i'm 36 and i have 3 kids. my youngest just started k this year. i definitely thought i was finished with my family but guess what! i'm pregnant. 8 weeks today, actually. i'm having some trouble with nausea this time around and i didn't the other 3 times. anyhow, how much, if...
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    training camp

    thanks fitness goddess have you or anyone out there ever been? whats it like? any details of previous ones would be nice. agenda, fees, etc. thanks a bunch!
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    training camp

    hi, i was reading some of the posts and ran across one that mentioned a "training camp" by cathe. what/when is this? and how can i find more details? i'd definitely be interested even though i live in another state. thanks by the way i love the new series. i'm daily working my way...
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    knee pain

    thank you for the advise. i'll certainly try that and then maybe i'll have to see a dr. if nothing changes. we'll see! thanks, joetta!
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    knee pain

    thank you for the advise. i'll certainly try that and then maybe i'll have to see a dr. if nothing changes. we'll see! thanks, joetta!
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    knee pain

    hi cathe! i'm having more and more pain in my knees. not necessarily when working out. but almost any time that i bend or squat. while exercising its worse when i do the lunge exercises. i watch so that i don't go beyond a 90 degree angle with my legs. i have arthritis and thought that...
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    someone fill me in on gliding?

    thanks so much. i'll check out that site. :-)