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  1. R

    Update: Went to the dermatologist have a question??

    I have adult acne (never had a pimple at all during my teenage years!) and have gone to the dermatologist before but have never stuck with any of the stuff they've given me - has anyone ever tried ProActive from the info commercials? Just curious as to what those results were if you have.
  2. R

    Where can I find the description & chapters

    for the intensity series DVD's? I know they have the address for the chapter/title information but there was some other pages that I printed out for the Blast Series and I was wondering if they have those for the intensity series, and if so, where can I find them? Thank you for any help you...
  3. R

    Facial moisturizer suggestions requested

    I also use Purpose SPF 15 - a dermatologist recommended it and it works the best for me. I also have sensitive skin - most of the time I only need to use it once in the morning and my skin varies - sometimes it can be oily - most of the time, dry. Rachelle
  4. R

    tracie long

    I just read over at videofitness some posts where one of her sites is NOT secure - I didn't write any of the info down as I'm not going to order but just thought I would pass that on so you can check the post over there.
  5. R

    Where can I buy some resistance bands

    that are not too expensive and should I get a couple of different ones? I'm lifting anywhere from five to 15 pounds. Would appreciate any help someone can give me - thank you!
  6. R

    Cathe, do you ever have knee problems????

    I was wondering about that as I can see a scar on her knee in some of the videos. That is awesome that she can workout like she does after having an accident!!!! Holy smokes. Her whole group is amazing.
  7. R

    10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may not know...

    RE: 10 Things about you that we Catheites may or may no... 1. I'm new to Cathe and have only been working out with her less then a year - before this I did Taebo (will be five years of Taebo next week), before that Denise Austin - I've tried different exercise tapes the last few months but...
  8. R

    O/T- Does anyone know a decorating discussion group?

    One of my favorites is
  9. R

    Has anyone downloaded or bought the new fitday software

    I was keeping track of WW points although I didn't actually join WW for over six months - I used both and - I didn't actually use in figuring my points - I kept track of that in a notebook and then put the info into journaltosuccess. I quite at...
  10. R

    Has anyone had their RMR tested?

    Was it worth the money to do so? There is only one place in town that does the test and it's $50. Since it's taken me over a year to lose 19 pounds and I've been playing with numbers since October 2002 trying to figure out where I need to be and figuring my metabilism has to be slower then...
  11. R

    Has anyone downloaded or bought the new fitday software

    and if so, what are your thoughts on it? Are you glad you bought it? I e-mailed the owner and he said you can't copy your information from the website to the program so I haven't broken down and taken the 20 minutes to download it. To think of all the time it will take to enter all the...
  12. R

    Does anyone use their Cathe DVD's in a home theater system?

    We are looking at getting a DVD since I'm just using her new Blast DVD's in my sons PlayStation 2 (these are the only DVD's I have so far) - and it freezes in the premix workouts and I would like to take a cardio workout from one DVD and mix it with a strength workout from another. We were...
  13. R

    Which tapes are "Viper" and "Gauntlet"

    Bobbi posted a rotation and these two were listed as tapes to do and as a newbie to Cathe, I didn't see these in her catalog. Sorry for the dumb question but TIA to anyone that can answer it for me!
  14. R

    Disappointed with results

    Bobbi, I sleep really good - always have. I usually get 8 hours of sleep a night. Connie - OMgosh your pictures and journey is amazing!!!!! Congratulations on all your hard work. You look WoNdErFuL!!!!!!!!
  15. R

    Disappointed with results

    It's not just slow & heavy that I'm not getting results with - it's all the exercising I am doing and have been doing - some examples before I started the S&H three weeks ago - Monday - BootCamp Tuesday - 45 min Taebo Wednesday - Bowling, Power Hour Thursday - Rhythmic Step Friday - Body...
  16. R

    Disappointed with results

    That is why I thought the 1700-1900 or even the 1500-1700 would work and I didn't lose ONE pound. When the dietician told me 1200, I thought she was nuts. I'm not hungry - and if I am, I do eat. I probably average 1300. I'm thinking I'll be able to go to 1800 to maintain. I had my thyroid...
  17. R

    Disappointed with results

    That is why I thought the 1700-1900 or even the 1500-1700 would work and I didn't lose ONE pound. When the dietician told me 1200, I thought she was nuts. I'm not hungry - and if I am, I do eat. I probably average 1300. I'm thinking I'll be able to go to 1800 to maintain. I had my thyroid...
  18. R

    Disappointed with results

    It's funny you say to "play around" with the numbers. In October, when I added the weight lifting, I also started to keep track of my calories at - for the first few days, I ate normal to see where I was at - 2200 to 2400 calories and since I had been maintaining my 185 for ever - I...
  19. R

    Disappointed with results

    Thank you for your responses! I really appreciate them. I've been doing Taebo for the last 4 and a half years and I didn't have any weight loss while those around me doing Taebo (message board), were able to tone and lose weight. There are some wonderful success stories out there and I am so...
  20. R

    Disappointed with results

    - disappointed in that I had NO results. I'm on my third week of slow & heavy - I split the tapes up with four days of doing Slow & Heavy body part first (30 minutes) and then either Taebo or a Cathe step workout. The fifth day I did a full Slow & Heavy tape (2 body parts) with no cardio. I...