Search results

  1. R

    Dana Reeves just died

    And Dana's mom just passed away in February - I think it was from complications from cervical cancer. What an awful, awful thing for this family to have to go through and I feel so bad for their son. He is so young to have lost so many people close to him. It is tragic. I'm sure his mom's...
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    Shaklee Vitamin Results after use

    Robin, is there more info on the alfalfa then what is on the website? It just gave a list of what was in the pill but not all that it is suppose to help with. thank you! Rachelle
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    Getting back into the Cathe groove post-hysterectomy

    I turned 35 in January and had a partial hysterctomy in December. I thought I would be walking the mall at four weeks . . . NOT. I had/have swelly belly which doens't help at all. If I do more strenous activites, my stomach is so huge I feel like I'm going to pop. Go SLOOOOOW - it's not...
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    Billy Banks bootcamp workout

    I LOVE these workouts - I ordered from QVC also - I haven't done the ab or lower body workout out but I'm incorporating the two 55 & 53 minute workouts into my week and I'm planning on getting the fat blasters to add to it. To me the bands added so much more to Taebo which I've been doing for 7...
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    anyone from wisconsin

    Lived in the La Crosse area for 7 years - loved it there. We are now back in our home state of North Dakota and it is nice to be close to family. If we had to move again though, it would be back to WI! Never did change to the Packers though. Rachelle
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    Need advice...bit of a downer so be forewarned

    Lunacat, I'm sorry I don't have any advice for you - I do think others have given you some great stuff. I just wanted to send you a hug. I'm sorry you are going through such a difficult time. I agree with Catwoman and Laura - he made some bad decisions that he has to accept responsibility for...
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    Need advice on crabby co-worker -

    Thanks Shelley for offering to do the decking . . . ;-) I might have to take you up on it!!! LOL
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    Need advice on crabby co-worker -

    Thank you all for the great responses! I appreciate them all. I was all set to say something to her today after a rude comment or action - and she was nice to me so I didn't have an "in". But I'm not going to let her do this again. As soon as I have an opening, I'm going for it. She...
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    Need advice on crabby co-worker -

    I swear she's bipolar. You don't know from one minute to the next what you are going to get. We share an office and for the most part, I can take it - she's has a big heart but . . . now her anger is at me and for 3 weeks she totally ignored me and made my work environment really uncomfortable...
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    Looking for an x-small heart rate monitor

    I have a size 4 ring and a 6" wrist - I'm not as small as you but I bought the Polar A5 at our local sporting goods store and it was too big for me. I returned it and ordered a Timex model that is suppose to be for small wrist. I tried it on and it seems to be okay. I haven't used it yet...
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    Anyone use a pedometer?

    I bought a $4.00 one from Wal-Mart to use now that I'm still recovery from a hysterectomy. Even though walking makes my stomach even more swollen, I've been trying to get at least 10,000 steps in a day. Now that I know I like it, I am looking to get a more accurate one (I don't think this one...
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    Happy Belated RachelleS!

    Oh My Gosh - I feel awful. I just did a search for my name as I posted once or twice today and couldn't remember which ones - I totally missed this. What a WONDERFUL Surprise - even though it's belated on my behalf!!!!! Thank you all so much. I did have a really nice 35th birthday (or the...
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    Well Hardcore DVD's are all over Ebay....

    I thought Cathe had a lifetime warranty also but someone mentioned that there is something about having 90 days to return defective merchandise when they received Hardcore (I won't receive mine until Monday). So is there a lifetime warranty????
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    Cathe, SNM!! Is music volume supposed to be this low?

    I won't receive mine until Monday but I hope that I don't have to "fiddle" with the sound. I don't with any of Cathe's other workouts so I really hope these are the same as those. Do you have to change back to the way it was when you play other workouts then? Rachelle
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    PCOS, Lupron, Hysterectomy, Etc.

    I am 35 and just had a partial vaginal hysterectomy in December because of a endometrosis but actually found out I didn't have much endo this time but my uterus and cervix were prolasped and I had an enlarged uterus and adendomysis. It's taking a long time to heal and my stomach is HUGE...
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    Is CTX worth getting in DVD if I have the VHS set?

    Thank you so much for your responses. Didn't know if I could justify the purchase - plus I was kind of feeling that I could spend that $90 on workouts I don't have (ie Yoga Booty Ballet) - but after reading your thoughts, I made the purchase. I haven't exercised in six weeks because of a...
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    How to get free shipping?

    Thank you so much Jordan - it worked. I put free shipping in the comments box at the bottom but was able to put "0" in the shipping after entering the first page and it took the shipping price off. Appreciate your quick reply and help!!!!! Rachelle, who is 35 today and bought herself an...
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    How to get free shipping?

    I preordered this summer and would like to purchase the CTX dvd's - how can I get the free shipping? On the online forum order, you have to choose a shipping option. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Rachelle
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    I've ordered from before - they pay for you to ship the shoes back if they don't fit. I ordered my kids school tennis shoes from them and they fit perfect. They had free shipping too at that time. Rachelle
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    Is CTX worth getting in DVD if I have the VHS set?

    I have CTX in VHS but was thinking I would like it in DVD better. What are your thoughts?