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  1. M

    South Beach Diet... not losing...

    So since I already was eating fairly well That is why I'm not getting that initial drop in weight? It makes sense. Thanks for your message. How did you end up doing with South Beach overall? I am going to try to stick with it and hope i can shed the 15 lbs. by swimsuit weather lol
  2. M

    Having trouble losing weight..

    Hey Guys, I was just wondering who out there has done the south beach diet and what their results were. They say you should lose anywhere from 8-14 pounds in the first two weeks because of the lack of calories and how restrictive they are. I started the diet monday and have been following every...
  3. M

    South Beach Diet... not losing...

    Just wanted to add that I have been trying to lose about 15 lbs. for atleast 6 months. I am in decent shape now. I workout atleats 4 times a week either doing Cathe videos of running. I'm just really getting discouraged. I know that summer is coming soon and at this weight there is no way i will...
  4. M

    South Beach Diet... not losing...

    Hey Guys, I was just wondering who out there has done the south beach diet and what their results were. They say you should lose anywhere from 8-14 pounds in the first two weeks because of the lack of calories and how restrictive they are. I started the diet monday and have been following every...
  5. M


    Roselyn, I too have the restricting the the binging and purging or just purging everything i eat problem. i have seen a therapict for the last 6 months and have also seen a nutritionist to help me learn how to eat healthy. I just want to tell you to hang in there. there are going to up ups and...
  6. M

    eating in the middle of the night...

    I have recently had this problem. I have never been a good sleeper but lately i have been waking up and going to the kitchen and beginning to munch on anything around, usually cereal. Anyone else have this problem? Any advise of how i train myself not to do this?
  7. M

    Anyone have any good ideas..

    Anyone have any good ideas on how to stick with eating clean?
  8. M

    Calories burned in IMAX3??

    Just wondering if anyone has an idea as too how many calories are burned during IMAX3? If specifics help in 155 lbs. and 5'7.
  9. M

    cardio vs. weight training to control weight?

    I also do a group therapy once a week so we pretty much are in exactly the same boat. Thank you very much for your support! i hope recovery goes well for you. Good luck to you too!
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    cardio vs. weight training to control weight?

    Im pretty physically fit. I have played sports or exercised of did both since i was like 5 years old. I used to run about 7 miles everyday up until about a month ago. Thanks for your advise!
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    cardio vs. weight training to control weight?

    I am in recovery from bulimia and am seeing a nutritionist and a therapist. Because i have only been consuming on average from 800-1000 calories a day for the last few years my metabolism is severely messed up. My nutritionist has me eating about 1600 calories a day working up to the 2000 i...
  12. M

    cardio vs. weight training to control weight?

    I would also like to just add how helpful cathe's videos have been to me during my recovery. I used to run up to 8 miles a day and do an hour of weights because i thought that was what i needed to do to keep my weight in check. But, since i've been doing cathe's videos i've realized that im...
  13. M

    cardio vs. weight training to control weight?

    I am in recovery from bulimia and am seeing a nutritionist and a therapist. Because i have only been consuming on average from 800-1000 calories a day for the last few years my metabolism is severely messed up. My nutritionist has me eating about 1600 calories a day working up to the 2000 i...