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  1. M

    substitution question...

    Thanks fitness freak!
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    substitution question...

    Hi all! I don't have Step, Jump and Pump so it was wondering what other workout that i have could be substituted for it. I have: KPC IMAX I IMAX III BM II Cardio Fusion Hardcore Extreme Terminator DM High Step Training KM Boot Camp LM Thanks! Lauren
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    Ok, Cathe, explain this one?!?

    Andrea, I am 21 though!! I have played sports and been in pretty good shape and athletic pretty much since i started tee-ball and soccer at age 6. I cant use that excuse haha Lauren
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    Ok, Cathe, explain this one?!?

    Not Cathe but i just had to tell you how much i agree with you! i can get maybe 2 all the way down and all the way up straight leg push-ups out. I usually only go half way down to the floor or do the push-ups on my knees! But i have no problem with the bomb-diver push-ups either!! I'd love to...
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    trying to really shed the fat

    I'm looking for a rotation that will absolutely get me sculpted by summer. Looking to lose the most amount of body fat. I would like to minimize the cellulite on the backs of my legs as much as possible. Any suggestions? I looked though the previous rotations and none seemed to fit what i was...
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    Hardcore Extreme-What is your fave routine from this DVD?

    I gotta agree with Allison and say that I like the 3rd workout which is Intervals with the leg blast at the end. I actually think i get a better cardio workout with this one then with the 2nd hi/lo workout even though it has a shorter amount of cardio. I think the 3rd workout is the most...
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    About exercise on a low-carb diet

    Tracy, Thanks for the advice. I just kinda feel more sore then usual and its harder to get through the workout which i guess has to do with the lack of the energy i used to get from carbs. My body just prob needs to get used to this type of diet still. how were your results with P90X? I was...
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    About exercise on a low-carb diet

    Mikkia, Do you happen to know the month and year of the circuit city rotation? I looked at her rotations and can't find it. Thanks! Lauren
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    Hardcore Extreme or Cardio Fusion, Which is more difficult?

    I have to say HCE is more difficult. If you are looking for mainly cardio the 2nd workout is an interval workout which is good but the 3rd workout is, in my opinion, the most difficult (cardio-wise). The end of the 3rd workout has the leg toning section of Kick Max which is KILLER. Cardio Fusion...
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    About exercise on a low-carb diet

    I am looking to shed fat so my muscles look more sculpted. I had read before that circuit training was a good way to lose fat but gain muscle because you keep your heart rate up. Is that correct?
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    exercise on low-carb diet...

    Hey Everyone, I have been on south beach for about 3 weeks and eating low-carb. I have recently read online that if you workout TOO much on a low-carb diet your body starts to burn muscle instead of fat. Has anyone else heard of this? any suggestions as to the amount of cardio and weights i...
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    About exercise on a low-carb diet

    Hey Everyone, I have been on south beach for about 3 weeks and eating low-carb. I have recently read online that if you workout TOO much on a low-carb diet your body starts to burn muscle instead of fat. Has anyone else heard of this? any suggestions as to the amount of cardio and weights i...
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    Having trouble losing weight..

    Hey Guys! thanks for all the comments and advise. I stuck out the full two weeks and ended up down about 8 pounds. Just 5-10 lbs. more to go and then its maintaining which in the past has been a problem for me.. :-/
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    South Beach Diet... not losing...

    Thanks Lorrayne! i have been working out so maybe i should slow that down a bit. Cuz i've been running and doing interval and circuit videos
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    South Beach Diet... not losing...

    melimcn, Haha yea that all is prob true. I guess I am kinda being a little impatient :-P. I just compare myself to other people who have done the diet too much. thanks for knockin a little sense into me
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    leg workout and run on the same day

    Just a quick question cuz i'm not as up on the lingo on these forums haha.. whats DOMS?
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    looking to really shed fat..

    Also, if anyone else has any helpful tips or advise it would be really appreciated :-)
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    looking to really shed fat..

    Hi Cathe, I know your busy so i'll keep this as short and sweet as possible. I am in pretty good shape but want to lose about 15 lbs. I am looking to do that by the end of May aka. bathing suit season :-P. I am currently on south beach but for some reason i'm not seeing results. I follow diets...
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    South Beach Diet... not losing...

    thanks for this response! you are like the first person I have heard that also didn't drop weight in phase one! its good to know you're not alone, ya know? :-). and congrats on the 7 lbs!
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    Having trouble losing weight..

    I feel like I have tried every diet imaginable. i just can't understand why I cant lose weight. I track my calories everyday and they hardly ever go over 1500 a day. I am a hairstylist and am on my feet the majority of my day. I workout as much as time allows (usually 4-5 times a week). I just...