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  1. M

    cardio DVD

    I like Kick, Punch and Crunch a lot. You do need a stability ball for the abs in that one though. The first half of Maximun Intensity Cardio doesn't use a step and is a lot of fun. But, its only about 30 mins or so and you will need a step for the second half. I also really like Kick Max. The...
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    Hi guys, What was everyone's FAVORITE rotations? Which ones did your get best results? Can't wait to hear back! Lauren
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    Have you noticed in Imax 1

    I just did this video for the first time in FOREVER a few hours ago and I saw it!! haha!
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    Calories burned?

    I would like to know this as well! And for any other Cathe videos that anyone knows. Thanks! Lauren
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    Fitness Freak

    Debbie, I just gotta say you are really nice to be helping everyone with their questions on here the way you do! Thanks alot, its so helpful!! I do have a question.. I have read alot on this thread about protein.. what about carbs? When should these be eaten in relation to working out? I'm 5'7...
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    Body Fat Percent...

    Anyone know a good site that has a calculator for body fat? I just used two different site and one said my BF% was 25.5% and the other said 32.19%. I'm confused! Thanks! Lauren
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    Debbie or anyone- best rotation for getting as LEAN as possible?

    Denise, I originally started it to get in great shape too but since it is SO hard for me to lose weight the healthy way and it comes off SO slowly I just started doing what I was sure worked! I mean come on it won me $550! :P But i definitely paid a price. Not to mention the price of the docs...
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    HATE cooking...

    Wow thanks gayle! These are all great ideas!
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    Debbie or anyone- best rotation for getting as LEAN as possible?

    Denise, I asked a question very similar to this about a week ago and didn't get any response on it. So I'm really interested to hear any suggestions. I was in a Biggest Loser contest at work about a year and a half ago. I lost about 40 pounds and won but I really lost the weight in a very...
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    HATE cooking...

    Hi Guys, Ok so i have a dilemma... I HATE cooking. Not to mention I really don't have much time to even cook. The extent of what i have time for is scrambled eggs which i do every morning. Just wondering if anyone has any idea of "clean" foods I could pick up at the grocery of health food store...
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    Where did my six pack go?

    The Eat Clean Diet is a book by Tosca Reno. The diet is basically very healthy and natural. No white flour or sugar and no processed foods. Eating as close to natural as possible. I think the book if great and I feel really healthy on this diet. I don't even really see it so much as a diet but a...
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    I Finished My First 10K

    Congrats!!! I run a 5K race every Thanksgiving morning for MS and this year I really want to go the 10K. I never used to even train much for the 5K since i think from years of sports and exercise it just never been TOO difficult for me to power through. I actually have a question about your...
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    Where did my six pack go?

    Can I just say that i am 5'7 and weigh about 160 and having trouble getting down to the 150 I would like to be. And you are already there! AND (please only take this as a compliment) you are twenty years older then me! I would feel proud of just that!! Thats awesome! Anyway, I have always...
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    Eating clean and bread...

    Thanks for all the feedback guys!!
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    Eating clean and bread...

    and the peanut butter i had for breakfast was all natural and very good, surprisingly. I was that naturally more kind. I recommend!
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    Ezekiel bread

    I'm so confused :P. i thought ezekiel was a kind of bread made by different manufacturers. Because when i tried to look it up online it was giving me recipes and not like the actual bread. I'm lost lol
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    Eating clean and bread...

    Hi Everyone, This is my first day of trying to eat clean. 'm just gonna run what i had for breakfast by you to see if i'm getting the hang of it. For breakfast I has oat bran, a small apple with 2 tbsp. peanut butter, and egg whites. Is that good? My other question is about bread. All the...
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    interested in clean eating...

    Hi guys! I have been tryin south beach for a few weeks and lost some weight but the second i moved to phase two i gained about half of it back. I was wondering about the eat-clean diet. I have the book and have read it. I really like most it has to say. Only problem for me is I am very busy and...
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    Calories in vs. calories out?

    I would also like to add that I workout 4-5 days a week. Usually for about an hour and a half to two hours. I do about 45 mins of cardio then about another 45 of weights. When i'm not doing that i like circuit training. I didn't know if this was relevant at all. haha!
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    Calories in vs. calories out?

    Hi Everyone, I have been trying to do South Beach diet for a little less then a month now. I did phase one and lost about 7 pounds. But when i moved to phase two i almost immediately gained a few pounds back. This left me discouraged about this diet. I have heard that if you lose weight on a...