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  1. M

    Ab help please!

    Hey guys, Ok so here's my problem. i am in the middle of Cathe's Boot Camp rotation. I've been eating basically clean and doing tons of ab work. But I feel like my stomach is bloated all the time! Its not "that time of the month" and I haven't been eating extra salt or anything so what gives...
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    Aug '05 Bootcamp...

    Hey guys, Just wanted to share that I am on the 2nd week of Cathe's "Bootcamp" rotation and OH MY! This is pretty hard! I feel like I am developing lots of muscles. And I feel like I've been a lot hungrier! Which is kinda messing me up because I'm trying to lose about 10 more lbs, actually...
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    Shin splints!!

    Lol I like that way of remembering it, Chris!
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    Used DVDs from

    I have never had a bad experience buys a DVD from amazon. And I ALWAYS buy them used. I pretty much have bought all my workout DVDs on there. I look for the seller with the highest rating and for the condition of the DVD to at least be "used- like new". Lauren
  5. M

    Shin splints!!

    Hey everyone, I am about to start my second week of Cathe's Bootcamp rotation and I got shin splints in my right leg! Today is my rest day but I'm supposed to start back up tomorrow. They aren't the worst shin splints I ever had but I don't want them to get worse. Any one have any good...
  6. M

    Best for getting a 6 pack...

    Ha! you know what's funny?! I actually just printed out this exact rotation and was going to do it next if I didn't get any suggestions! great minds think a like lol. Thanks again.
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    Best for getting a 6 pack...

    Yeah I know that. What's hard though is that when I workout hard I get so damn hungry! I try to stay as clean as possible though. Thanks! Lauren
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    Jan '06 Let's Work?..

    Haha I hear ya! My thighs are in need for some attention as well! Good luck with the rotation! Lauren
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    Always hungry!

    Great tips guys! Thanks! I think I just need to watch my snacking and make sure I only eat at my 5 or 6 mini meal times. Lauren
  10. M

    Always hungry!

    Hey everyone, I am currently just finishing up week one of Cathe's Bootcamp rotation and it is pretty hard! But I am doing it and am damn proud of myself! But I am having a problem. It seems the harder I workout the more I want to eat. Which makes sense. But its ruining my clean eating! I am...
  11. M

    Jan '06 Let's Work?..

    Deanie, Have you done the Lower body rotation before?
  12. M

    Jan '06 Let's Work?..

    Did anyone do this rotation? I'm looking to lose a few more pounds and basically get my legs and abs in shape for summer? If you did this rotation, What did you think? How were your results? I look forward to hearing any feedback. As always, thanks for all your help! Lauren
  13. M


    April- The Lower Body Solution looks really good. Sometime I feel like the rotations don't have enough cardio but this one looks like it does for me. I'm still trying to lose about 10 more lbs. so I need to have a bit of cardio on my rotations or I find I don't lose weight. Keep the...
  14. M

    Ab segment

    Looks like I'm gonna be going with the Bootcamp core! Mainly because thats the only one of those videos I own haha. Thanks allison! lauren
  15. M

    Ab segment

    Hi Guys! What does everyone think is the best ab segment in one of Cathe's videos? I'm trying to get as close to a 6 pack as I can by summer and need a good ab routine. Thanks! Lauren
  16. M

    Best for getting a 6 pack...

    Hi guys! Does anyone have any suggestions on the best rotation for getting a nice, flat, hard stomach? With bikini season on the way I'd like to really focus on my abs. I do need to shed a little layer of fat from my abs so I'm looking for a rotation that has lots of cardio and ab sculpting...
  17. M

    Imax w/DOMS?

    Got it! Thanks!
  18. M

    Imax w/DOMS?

    I'm sorry, I just have no idea wha DOMS are lol :P
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    Good for you, Becca! Maybe I will give that one a shot. I am currently doing the August '05 Bootcamp rotation and MAN it's KILLER! I am trying to line up what I'll be doing once I finish. Lauren
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    April, I don't own 4DS (I haven't had the money to purchase it yet) Any other rotations you (OR ANYONE ESE) enjoy? Lauren