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  1. M

    Suggestions needed...

    Hi guys, In about a month I am going to be starting to train for a 10K and will be doing morning runs. I really don't want to lose any of my muscle definition I have worked so hard to build. Does anyone have a suggestion of a rotation I could do with weight lifting focus that will help me keep...
  2. M

    Pressed for time!

    Hey guys, I'm pressed for time today. I have a BBQ later so I'd like to fit in a mini-workout knowing I will prob be eating some not-so-clean foods. Any ideas? Should I do cardio or weights? Lauren
  3. M


    Doing my last workout on the August '05 Boot Camp rotation tomorrow. I LOVED it! I added extra cardio some of the days. It was great though! I got lots more definition in my arms and stomach and my legs are almost solid! Just gotta lose a small layer of fat and I think my abs will finally really...
  4. M

    Which Imax 3 interval is your toughest?

    I have just recently gotten to the point where I can do the whole video without taking long breaks between each interval. Hard stuff! Anyway, for me, I think the hardest is the plie (sorry if that wrong... can't spell :P) squats. I wanna say its interval 5?
  5. M

    Calories?? Not losing weight

    I am in the same exact boat. About 10 lbs. to lose and I can't get it off. I workout 6 days a week (both cardio and weights). I look forward to hearing a reply to this! Lauren
  6. M

    Need a SERIOUS fat loss rotation- best one for this??

    Andrea, I just did Boot Camp (am finishing up the last week) and had the same problem! I was so freaking hungry! I think I may have lost a FEW pounds and I definitely got lots more toned. But I really need to lose these last 10 lbs. and I planned on trying Let's Work starting Monday. I'm gonna...
  7. M

    Need a SERIOUS fat loss rotation- best one for this??

    tneah- I'm halfway done the last week of boot camp and yah, it is high impact. My knees bothered me on and off during this rotation too. And I got shin splints because I do my workout in my basement and its basically just a rug on top of cement... I have noticed A LOT more definition in my arms...
  8. M

    Need a SERIOUS fat loss rotation- best one for this??

    Denise- Have you started the Lets Work rotation yet? What do ya think if you have? Lauren
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    Hey guys, Ok so I'm having a problem. I don't think I am eating enough calories. It has been suggested to me that that may be the reason that despite all my exercise and clean eating I am not losing weight. Because my calories are to low. Does anyone know how I can figure out how many calories...
  10. M

    Best machine for hamstring and butt..

    Thanks guys! alsrnbsn- I actually did those yesterday in butts and guts! I felt the burn good!
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    My neighbor shot my dog

    Oh my god, Mindy, thats a sin! I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope your son, and you and the rest of your family, are doing ok. I just gave my 15 year old golden retriever (who I've had since she was born) a treat and a kiss.
  12. M

    Best machine for hamstring and butt..

    Hey guys, I'm looking to really tone the backs of my legs for summer. Anyone have any suggestions for exercises or machine that will do this? I have been finishing my runs on the tredmil with walking at the highest incline (15 on the machine I use) at 4.2 speed. I feel like this is working the...
  13. M

    Need a SERIOUS fat loss rotation- best one for this??

    I am currently halfway through the Aug. '06 Boot Camp one and its HARD! I plan on doing this one next too! I'd like to hear how ya do! Lauren
  14. M

    Rest week?

    Hi guys, I am currently finishing up the second week of Cathe's August '05 Boot Camp rotation. After this I plan to do her June '06 Lets Work rotation. I was wondering if since the Boot Camp rotation is pretty intense, should I take a rest week between the two rotations? Or maybe don't jump...
  15. M

    Rest week?

    Hi Cathe! I am currently finishing up the second week of your August '05 Boot Camp rotation. After this I plan to do your June '06 Lets Work rotation. I was wondering if since the Boot Camp rotation is pretty intense, should I take a rest week between the two rotations? Or maybe don't jump...
  16. M

    Ab help please!

    Wow Jeanette thanks for sharing that! I have also been eating Kashi Cereal everyday! I didn't have the Activia today and felt a little better but still felt slightly bloated. I'm going to avoid the Kashi cereal too now and see if I feel better.
  17. M

    lack of motivation---burned out on life?

    I've been there for sure! It is very stressful when you don't like your job. It takes a lot out of you. I would come home from work and be dead tired and just want to sleep the rest of the day and night. I mean, my job is kinda physical (I'm an assistant at a hair salon, but nothing that would...
  18. M

    Ab help please!

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts! I think I'm gonna stop the activia for a bit. I do also have a hard time dealing with stress so maybe if I start to relax a bit more if will help also. I am going to try to cut back the day to once a day, also. Lauren
  19. M

    Ab help please!

    You know what I HAVE been eating Activia yogurt lately because I have a tendency to.. uh... not go (couldn't think of how to share without giving TMI lol). Could that be the problem? I have been more regular since starting to eat the yogurt. But maybe thats what causing the bloated looking...