
Category: Weight Loss

eating nuts

5 Tips for Eating Nuts Without Gaining Weight

Nuts are a healthy and nutritious snack, but they’re not low in calories. Many people enjoy their crunchiness so much that they find it hard to stop. Here are five ways to enjoy the health benefits of nuts as a snack without “overdoing” it.

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weight gain

Why Some People Are Resistant to Weight Gain

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be able to pile their plate high with calorie-rich foods and never gain an ounce? Genetics are certainly a factor, but at least one study has a different explanation. Find out what it is.

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calorie traps when eating out

5 Calorie Traps to Avoid When Eating Out

Enjoy eating out? Eating in a restaurant is a way to relax and avoid doing the dishes, but it isn’t always healthy. Here are five common calorie traps you’ll encounter when eating out and how to avoid them.

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body composition

4 Types of Foods That Improve Body Composition

Are you tired of eating chicken breasts? Chicken is a good source of protein to help build lean body mass, but it’s not the only game in town when it comes to improving body composition. Here are other types of foods that help to improve your physique. You’ll also discover other sources of protein that’ll help you add variety to your diet.

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