
Category: Weight Loss

Does Your Immune System Protect Against Weight Gain?

Does Your Immune System Protect Against Weight Gain?

Does your immune system play a role in controlling your weight? Recent research suggests that it does. Find out more about the how immune cells in fat tissue help to regulate weight and why weight control may be more complicated than “calories in, calories out.”

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Leptin Resistance and the Obesity Epidemic

Leptin Resistance and the Obesity Epidemic

Obesity is now considered a disease by the World Health Organization and it is rampant in our society. And there is a distinct correlation between the obesity epidemic and human hormonal activity. Leptin is an important hormone that sends a signal to your brain telling you when you are full. Leptin and leptin resistance also determines how you store fat and determines when you should burn the excess.

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4 Ways to Eat Carbs Without Gaining Weight

4 Ways to Eat Carbs Without Gaining Weight

In the era of the Atkins and Dukan diets, some people are afraid of carbs. You shouldn’t be. Carbs are an important part of a healthy diet as long as you know how and when to eat them. Here are four tips for getting your carbs the right way.

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The Right Way to Approach Low-Carb Dieting

The Right Way to Approach Low-Carb Dieting

Many people think low-carb dieting is all bacon cheeseburgers minus the bun, but low-carb is not necessarily high-protein. For low-carb diets to work without compromising health, it’s important to understand the science behind it.

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10,000 Steps a Day: How Many People Actually Do It?

10,000 Steps a Day: How Many People Actually Do It?

It should come as no surprise that most Americans aren’t as active as they should be, but how does America compare to other countries? This article focuses on research comparing the number of steps people take in various countries and with different occupations. It also gives suggestions for staying more active with a sedentary job.

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Understanding Chronic Inflammation

Understanding Chronic Inflammation

Did you know that researchers are now saying that chronic inflammation may be at the root of nearly every chronic, degenerative disease? In fact, it is now well-known that diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, rheumatoid arthritis, and certain cancers all have inflammatory components. The good news is that you can control chronic inflammation.

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