
Category: Fitness Tips

Does the Diet You Eat Alter Your Genes?

Does the Diet You Eat Alter Your Genes?

We think of genes as being static. What you’re born with, you’re stuck with. That’s not a good thing if you inherited genes that put you at increased risk for heart disease, cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, those genes may or may not be expressed depending upon your lifestyle and diet. Can you alter the expression of your genes by simply changing what you eat?

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Overstimulated and Overstressed: How Adrenal Fatigue Leads to Depression, Weight Gain, and Disease

Overstimulated and Overstressed: How Adrenal Fatigue Leads to Depression, Weight Gain, and Disease

Chronic stress is often overlooked as the cause of illness and disease, even though it negatively affects every cell in your body. Certain habits and nutritional deficiencies cause adrenal fatigue, making weight loss and optimal health impossible. Make changes to relieve your stress and reduce adrenal fatigue, and enjoy the improvements in your mental and physical health.

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Trans Fats: What Exactly Are They?

Trans Fats: What Exactly Are They?

Trans fats are still common in processed foods of all sorts: cookies, pastries and snack food are likely to contain them. Regulations say that trans fat should be listed as an ingredient in the US, but foods which were already in production before 2006 are not covered. So a label might not state ‘trans fat’ in those words. The words to watch for are ‘hydrogenated’ and ‘partly hydrogenated’.

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How to the different types of fiber to your diet.

How to Add Both Kinds of Fiber to Your Diet

Many people know of “fiber” as a buzzword when talking about how to improve your diet, but few actually understand what fiber is and how it helps. The most essential fundamental to grasp when talking about fiber is that it is essentially indigestible, meaning you won’t actually absorb any nutrients from eating more fiber. It can, however help you maintain a regular digestive system and may lower your risk of heart disease.

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The Most Effective Way to Burn More Fat When You Exercise

The Most Effective Way to Burn More Fat When You Exercise

How would you like to burn more fat when you do moderate-intensity exercise? A study shows the key is to add a few high-intensity interval sessions to your current fitness program. Find out how high-intensity training can help you break through a plateau, burn more fat and improve your fitness level – quickly.

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4 Ways to Reduce Oxidative Stress and Cell Damage

4 Ways to Reduce Oxidative Stress and Cell Damage

You hear a lot about oxidative stress, how it damages stress, leads to chronic disease and contributes to aging – but what can you do about it? You can’t completely avoid it, but you can less its impact with lifestyle changes. This article talks about four ways.

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