
Category: Fitness Tips

Does Fasted Cardio Burn More Fat?

Does Fasted Cardio Burn More Fat?

You may have heard that you’ll burn more fat if you do cardio in a fasted state, first thing in the morning. Is there any truth to this idea? Most importantly is it likely to help you achieve your fitness goals? Get the full scoop on fasted cardio.

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Dieting Around the World: Making French Cuisine Healthful & Delicious

Dieting Around the World: Making French Cuisine Healthful & Delicious

French cuisine is one of the most famous cuisines in the world and is known for being rich and decadent. Though many books have been written claiming that the French—women in particular–are all fashionably slim, most people can’t subsist on a French diet without seeing the size of their clothes increase. You can, however, still indulge in some great French food with just a few modifications to make it more healthful. You’ll have to say “au revoir” to the fresh baguettes and “adieu” to the creamy cheeses, but fear not; you get to keep the wine!

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5 Habits That Slow Your Metabolism

5 Habits That Slow Your Metabolism

How’s your metabolism? Having a higher resting metabolic rate makes it easier to control your weight. Unfortunately, some people slow down their metabolism without knowing it. Here are five habits that can slow your metabolism and contribute to weight gain.

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Caloric Expenditure in Different Modes of Exercise

Caloric Expenditure in Different Modes of Exercise

Keeping your body in top shape, minimizing the risk of life-threatening diseases, enhancing cardiorespiratory fitness and improving your body composition may be some compelling reasons that might motivate you to engage in aerobic activities. However, it’s worth noting that different modes of exercise influence your caloric expenditure differently. In other words, different types of exercise burn different amounts of calories.

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5 Hormones That Impact Muscle Growth and How They Work

5 Hormones That Impact Muscle Growth and How They Work

You put a lot of effort into your weight training workouts. Ever wonder about the “behind the scene” players, hormones, which make it easier or harder for you to build lean body mass? Find out more about the five most important ones and how they impact your workouts.

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