
Meso #3 Chest and Back

STS Meso #3 group shot of the crew for Chest and Back (Brenda, Cathe, Cedie, Deazie, Robert and Greg). We should have some more pictures up for this mesocycle in the next few days. Filming continues to go well and the footage I have seen so far from NFL Films is truly amazing and the best I have ever seen. You just won’t believe the clarity.

Our director told us today that several clients and producers who happened to walk by the edit room at NFL Films wanted to know where in NYC the video was filmed as they were interested in renting the studio. They were truly amazed when they were told it was done in Glassboro, NJ not NYC and the background was not real. Each time we film we learn a little bit more and are always trying to improve the quality of our productions. The photos you see in the background are by far the largest we have ever used. The main back wall photo is almost the size of a basket ball court and had to be carried into the studio by ten people. We did not have a fun time trying to install it!

As you will see over time and once you receive STS, we have spared no expense to make STS the best filmed workouts we or anyone has produced. We’re letting NFL Films do what they do best and we hope we exceed your expectations.

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