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  1. Jane A

    90 day supreme

    You can also order it at Collage for $19.99
  2. Jane A

    What is the affect of the stuff in our food?

    Regarding switching to whole wheat flour -- I personally like to bake with whole wheat (mostly I make banana bread or similar). However, if you want your bread to be a little lighter, I've had success with substituting whole wheat pastry flour instead of white flour. It will give you a lighter...
  3. Jane A

    Drill Max

    jcm, that's too cute (but true)! Drill Max is absolutely among my top 5.
  4. Jane A

    I'm Back From the Arnold Expo

    Congrats, Cathe! The world is a better place because you're in it.
  5. Jane A

    Working Legs....

    Hi Stacy -- My inner thighs have always been my trouble spot, too. I have seen lots of improvement though, from doing Gym Style Legs and Butts & Guts. I would also recommend Mindy Mylrea's Glutes, Guns, & Guts workout. She does some killer inner thigh work with the stability ball. Hope...
  6. Jane A

    10% body weight lost!!

    Way to go, baby!!
  7. Jane A

    Need new leg exercise ideas

    I would try doing the floorwork portions of Butts & Guts and Gym Style Legs. After I hurt my knees this fall (finally getting better now), I found that I was able to maintain most of my lower body strength by doing these chapters, without hurting my knees. Hope it works for you!
  8. Jane A

    Gym Styles

    I totally agree with Dela. The Gym Styles workouts are among my very favorites. The Legs workout is absolutely fabulous. I wouldn't hesitate buying any of these, especially on sale.
  9. Jane A

    Strange things dogs do

    Hey, that hat's not supposed to be there. My dog has to remove any band-aid she finds on me -- it's not supposed to be there. As far as the vacuum cleaner, my dog used to run away from it. I assume there is possibly an overtone (higher pitch) that hurts her ears. Anyway, I started giving her...
  10. Jane A

    Exercising while sick

    IMO, during the times that your body needs energy to combat illness, it won't be capable of providing the energy required to build muscle. For me, I will generally continue to workout during a mild cold, but I've found from experience that if I have a fever, such as during the flu, I'm better...
  11. Jane A

    Leaning Out with Tracie Long, a review

    Thanks Denise. I've been eyeing this one for a couple of months. I really appreciate your taking the time to write such a thorough description -- so cool. Cathe's my favorite instructor, but I do like Tracie a lot. Guess I'll be ordering right away. Have you ever tried her Better Burn...
  12. Jane A

    Osteopenia/Osteoperosis meds

    Yes, I took Actonel for a couple of years. I do not take it anymore, nor will I ever chose to again! It is the same type/family of drug as Boniva, etc. I didn't have too many problems with the potential digestive side-effects. My issue was with aching joints. It took me a while to figure out...
  13. Jane A

    Hand Pain from Heavy Weight Training

    No tingling, but I do get pain at the base of my thumb from the actual weight of heavy dumbbells, especially during chest flys or bench flys when gravity is really pulling the weight down into my hands. My 15# and under dumbbells have a vinyl coating which helps, but 20# and up are just steel...
  14. Jane A

    Jack LaLane passes away....

    JT, I have the same sort of memory -- watching Jack with my mom on our B&W TV. Gillian, Thanks for the list of feats. I had forgotten about Happy! David, Yes as I recall, the exercises were quite easy, and yet most of the time my mother just watched him instead of participating! He was...
  15. Jane A

    Yoga/Pilates Suggestions

    My favorite new find is Kathryn Ross-Nash's New York Pilates. It's hard! There are two 20-minutes workouts: one is tummy & tush; the other is legs & arms. I usually do them both, but sometimes just the tummy & tush. I also like Hilary Burnett's Pilates Advanced, which is a 20-minute workout...
  16. Jane A

    Fitness Friday

    Gym Styles Chest & Tri's later today. You'll be hearing my bod hit the floor with all those push-ups! ;)
  17. Jane A

    Tell Me More About Vitamix

    So many of you listed Vitamix as one of your favorite things in Kathryn's thread that I must ask you to tell me more. What do you make most with it? How is it better than, for instance, Montel's machine? Thanks in advance to all you enablers! :)
  18. Jane A

    Runners Knee Advice

    I've been having knee problems the last few weeks too (Jumper's Knee). Here are some things I CAN do without hurting my knee: Butts & Guts: Warm-up, All the Floorwork (although some of it is in a kneeling position it is still okay), and Stretch Pilates - Pilates - Pilates Any Upper...
  19. Jane A

    Favorite scary movies

    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide !! The Spencer Tracy version is very good, but the earlier one with Frederic March is incredible! Both are well-made films.
  20. Jane A

    Single and happy... what's WRONG with that?!?

    Ditto! And good for you dating a man 16 years your junior! (I'm envious.) A few months ago, I was reading a book about French culture, and according to this author, the French accept many different kinds and levels of love. They apparently don't try to make everybody fit into the same...