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  1. Bizybee

    Anybody want a husband?

    You should kick his a$$, Cathe-style!:p Seriously though, yeah I'd be pissed too. I mean, I will occasionally buy a couple of DVDs and tell DH afterwards but anything THAT expensive should really have been discussed 1st. And to violate the sacredness of your exercise room? Man, I'd be...
  2. Bizybee or

    I have all of Debbie's rotations on a memory stick, so to answer your question....a big N-O!
  3. Bizybee

    Need advice about a crazy neighbor! (kinda long)

    Well, unfortunately you aren't going to be able to make this guy change his ways. Any possibility of moving your bedroom to the opposite end of the house?
  4. Bizybee

    How are you preparing for STS?

    LOL! That's great!;)
  5. Bizybee

    I need opinions, very torn right now...

    If I had had a son, I would have named mine Mason as well...good choice!:D
  6. Bizybee

    YouTube video clip now up for disc #3 - Legs

    LOL...Thanks so much for your response!
  7. Bizybee

    YouTube video clip now up for disc #3 - Legs

    Thanks for the clip, it looks really good!:D I do have a question on the music though: during some parts of the clip, the music didn't completely match up with exercise (especially apparent during the wall squat w/stability ball segment). Will the music match up better on the final product...
  8. Bizybee

    New clips?

    Sounds great, thanks!
  9. Bizybee

    I'm sorry, I have to ask...

    Agree on that...I'm betting that McCain is probably regretting picking her at this point. That Troopergate thing isn't going to go away and certain legislators attempting to suppress the findings by going to the Alaskan supreme court doesn't exactly make Palin look innocent. If Palin had...
  10. Bizybee

    What new w/o are you waiting on?

    I ordered it from Bernadette Giorgi's website, Just B Method. It's coming out in can also preorder it from I can't speak for how intense it will be...I believe that Bernadette holds a black belt in some form of kickboxing but she's known for her ballet...
  11. Bizybee

    What new w/o are you waiting on?

    On pre-order I got: STS Bernadette's Fit n Fierce Kickboxing Anna's Firm V2, V3, Tortoise, Hare on DVD and a Kettlebell DVD coming in Nov I just ordered Cardio Force and Life Force from Fitness Organica Waiting on Rodney's Yoga Burn and Yoga for your Week AM from Amazo I will be...
  12. Bizybee

    HIIT music available for download

    You're very welcome, we had fun making it!
  13. Bizybee

    HIIT music available for download

    Hi Everyone: DH and I wrote an original guitar heavy HIIT track for me to use running (or walking or kb training). Feel free to download it (for free of course) at The track will start up right away so that you can preview it b4 downloading. To download, just...
  14. Bizybee

    Another ? on Valor BD3 Squat Stands

    No problem, Ladies....always like to help ya spend yer money!!:p I already have a squat rack so I (barely) managed to avoid temptation.:rolleyes:
  15. Bizybee

    Another ? on Valor BD3 Squat Stands

    FYI, if you do decide to order from Overstock try entering the promo code: 123903. It'll save you 10% (thru 8/31 I think).;)
  16. Bizybee

    Anyone know?

    Kinda a "loaded gun"! SNM doesn't want to say until they KNOW when it'll ship....lots of speculation abounds. My guess would be this fall (October or November).:D
  17. Bizybee

    New Kettlebell workouts!

    Pre-ordered TKWII (price was too good to pass up) but skipped AOS Santa Monica (too pricey).
  18. Bizybee


    Hooray! I wondering if we'll crash youtube when we bum rush it to see the clip!!:eek:
  19. Bizybee

    What to do with old dumbbells

    All above are great suggestions....I had to jump in to say that I bought a pair of Ironmaster's a couple of months ago myself. Pricey, but so worth the price 'cause they'll last a lifetime! So glad to see another Cathe-ite has them (I get the impression that Ironmasters are mainly a "guy thing").
  20. Bizybee

    Fitnessfreak's Rotations

    Yes, they work fine for me...thanks for taking the time to re-list them!:D