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  1. E

    $4.57 a gallon

    3.85 in Southeast Michigan. I can't wait to see how high it jumps this weekend for Memorial Day travelers. I can also remember when gas was under $1.00. I can also remember being upset over spending $70/week on groceries. Now it's almost $200/week!!!!!:o
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    embracing paleness

    I am Polish and Finnish, and have very light skin/pale eyes. I am one of four kids. We had a pool in the backyard growing up and my Mom's philosophy was to let us burn a few times until we got our "base" tan. Sunscreen was rarely applied. I can remeber about July all of us being pretty tan...
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    what was your first job??

    I worked for a family friend in her Ice Cream Shop. I made $2.00/hr +miniscule tips. The shop was never cooler than 90 degrees, usually hotter due to all the machines running and no AC. We had to take apart the ENTIRE store and wash it down with bleach solution. It was hard work! We were...
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    A lot offended

    I'm really sorry to hear that. I have a lot of insensitive stories like that, and they just don't get erased from your brain. The sting goes away though, with time. People are stupid sometimes. If you really love yourself and feel good, screw everyone else.x( Sally
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    Do you have workouts you've never done??

    MIS, I hate hi-lo, and it really just looks plain hard. I only have it because it came with I-max and RS. Kick Box Extreme by Amy Bento. I did most of it, but I was tripping over my feet. I am very spoiled by Cathe's cueing. Can you believe I don't even own Step, Jump, Pump, I-max 2 or...
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    Good News & Bad News

    My PT basically consisted of lying leg exersizes. It helps to strengthen the muscles around the hip to hold it in place a little better. Hope you feel better soon! Sally
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    OMG - please help w/ my 3rd grader

    One other thing just came to mind. Kids at this age can be very cruel. Is she getting teased by other kids for her grades? There is a boy in our neighborhood who is "behind" in class and he gets teased pretty relentlessly by a another boy in the neighborhood. It has gotten so bad his parents...
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    OMG - please help w/ my 3rd grader

    I also wanted to post the idea of test anxiety as a possible reason why she cheated. Since she knew the material cold, maybe tests make her "blank" out. It's not an excuse to cheat, but she may not be able to explain in a mature way that she felt anxious. Just my two cents. I have a third...
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    What do you wear around the house?

    If I'm home, I'm cleaning. I wear sweats, t-shirts, socks, or slippers. If it's a comfy around the house clothing item, it usually has a bleach stain or two. Never shoes in the house, it just feels weird. Oh, and I wear a bra 24-7, always have. I like to keep 'em locked up and supported. I...
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    What's up for your weekend?

    Husband will be at cub scout camp with the 2 older boys, so I will be home with my 2 year old. I'm sure I will be mainly chasing him around all day, but I may get to go to the grocery store and run a vacuum. Want to trade Lori? Sally
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    Good News & Bad News

    Good job on the 5K! I am chiming in to say I have hip bursitis also, and have to avoid "all" high impact stuff. I'm only 34, by the way. It got so bad for me that my doctor put me on an anti-inflammatory for a full month (can't remember which one), and PT. So, rest up, it can get pretty...
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    Where is my back bone?

    Lori, your boss will probably be more suprized if you don't call. I'll bet in the back of his mind he's expecting it. YOU are your best advocate, "The Lord helps those who help themselves". Take a deep breath and do it! Sally
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    Knee cracking???

    My knees have cracked my whole life, too. Some people crack their knuckles, I never could, just my knees. Sally
  14. E

    How many of you don't eat bread?

    I need complex carbs to stay "regular", :+ . So yes, I have tried the atkins no carb thing and was miserable. It's all about balance. Sally
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    do you like body hair on a man?

    My DH is a hairy man. Back, chest, arms, legs, and a full beard in the winter. As for his body hair, it never bothered me, I'm pretty neutral about it. His back and chest are kind of reddish brown, his legs and arms are bleach white. He gets a back wax in the summer, because HE is self...
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    I'm a walking accident victim!

    That happened to me in Jr. High. I was at an amusement park with the student counsel and a sea gull pooped on me. Talk about teen-angst! I had to walk around all day, so embarassing! Sally
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    I DID IT!!

    Great job Klaudia! I would have never doubted you! Sally
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    Car Trouble....need advice

    Years ago I worked for a car rental company who rented quite a few chrysler products. At that time the Dodge Neon was infamous for having horrible transmission problems. We had one down at the dealership pretty often. We had a few Durango's and I remeber them having issues also. Good for you...
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    Sweating too much?

    I sweat a lot too, my shorts usually look like I peed my pants when I have a good cardio session. I have to wear a T-shirt to collect my sweat too, even though I'd be more comfortable without one. I also in daily life can not wear white T-shirts, something about my alkalinity turns the "pits"...
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    Wow - First Elliptical Experience

    I don't know about the calories burned, but I too love my elliptical. I can go and go, with no problem to my hips and knees. I think if you really focus on form and giving it all you have, it can be just as good as running. I take it you have multiple resistance levels? I find if I alternate...