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  1. amberwaves

    kitchenaid stand mixers

    Love the pro I have the black 6 QT PRO. We call it the BBB- "big black beast", lol. Everytime I get it out the kids know they are getting mashed potatoes, cookies, or bread. It is an amazing machine. I use it more than once a week. I have all the attachments, slicer, grater etc. The...
  2. amberwaves

    I'm thinking of Chalean Extreme - opinions?

    It's worth it! I'll be starting week 9 (which is week one of lean) next week. The program has also pulled me out of a huge workout rut. I get up and's only 32 minutes, just do it. Or I know how good I feel when I'm done so I just do it! Chalene is a trip and always starts my day...
  3. amberwaves

    Issues with Go Wear Fit?

    Armband issues I don't have the digital display, so I can't comment about that, but I took my GWF armband off on Friday (after 6 straight weeks on) to wear a sleeveless shirt and noticed the indentation that night on my arm. I thought, no biggy it will go away, well it's now Monday and I still...
  4. amberwaves


    Dutch oven I just saw the LeCrueset Dutch Oven at Costco yesterday for 199.99. I about fainted, I am so into making soups this year that I have been searching for a dutch oven everywhere, but that price floored me. I now know that they are one of the best, thanks ladies, I had never even...
  5. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 2/16

    Hi Hotties...AND I MEAN HOTTIES! Hi all... Haven't been around much lately, but since STS is here I've been hitting it hard, week 2 here. I'm not real thrilled with wasting my time on the 1RM's; for me it was not that accurate. But, after two weeks of testing those, I'm now onto the meat of...
  6. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 11/18

    Hi Maniacs I got my Lauren Brooks DVD and am heading off to the basement to see me shiny bright red kettlebell and try it out again. I am excited. Dallys & Diane Sue, it's a 15# one, Go-Fit brand from Target, it was 45 bucks, I thought it was going to be 40 (?online) or mismarked, but I...
  7. amberwaves

    Hardcore Maniac Saturday 11-15

    holding on to the roller coaster Hi all, first chance I have had to breathe lately. Trial settled, (good thing) on the eve of day one. DH's mom is in the hospital, Docs say she only has a 5% chance to live, she had a gangrenous gallbladder, the surgeon's face when he told us it was the size...
  8. amberwaves

    Hardcore Maniac Saturday 11-15

    Just starting us off, I missed you all, bbl to fill in the blanks. Amber
  9. amberwaves

    Hardcore Maniac Hottie Saturday Nov. 1

    Hi Maniacs Nice longggggggg walk Teddy girl, did you Kenpo it today, I know you don't particularly care of that one right? Diane Sue great workout! I've never had a Muscle Milk bar, are they any good? Suz! I'm here, just busy, I still love my sarah, she has her own playlist on my ipod...
  10. amberwaves

    Hardcore Maniac Hottie Saturday Nov. 1

    Just starting us off......BB after Kenpo Amber
  11. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/23

    Debbie, somehow I missed it, but I wanted to tell you that I am always hungry in that week right before TTOM. I could devour anything. After day 2 of TTOm I am back to normal no appetite here lately since I wiped my carbs out. Amber
  12. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/23

    Suz...thanks, yes haven't quite had the time to put my old picturetrail on, but I should. And no, push play is the X only, ya know how Tony says just push play....well I meant that not Cardio Coach. But yep, will give the old yoga x a whirl. cute! What a great costume, she is...
  13. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/23

    Hi Chatty Batty Maniacs I worked too late last night to get in shoulders and arms, but I did press play this morning. I will try YogaX tonight, but no promises. I am still super sore everywhere. The good news is I am back in my size 6 Banana Republic Suit that I haven't worn in a year...
  14. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/22

    Hello Chatty Maniacs Hi all, I'm so sore it hurts to move. Tonight is shoulders and whatever else, with abripperx (oh it hurts to even say it). Sounds like we are all determined to get at least one pullup in! I'm going to keep working at it because DH says he won't believe I can do one...
  15. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/21

    Hi Maniacs Ally, you are welcolme. that has to be my favorite Amy and that was the one that caused me to try her step. Just finished Plyo, well I had forgotten exactly how tough it was, I got totally through about 36 minutes (thought of teddygirl) before I had to shorten the intervals to...
  16. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/21

    Hottie Maniacs Last night was Chest and Back p90X and I progressed from the last time I did it in march. I used 8# for all and can go up on the heavy pants and lawnmowers, not sure about upping it in flys. I finally gave my new chin up bar a good try, it's 14 ft up, so that is a...
  17. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/20

    OK...I'm still in shock over Debbie's weight for tricep extensions! I'm lucky if I can use 8 pounders for 3. Amber
  18. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/20

    Maniac Monday Hottie's Hi All, is right. Teddygirl, I was going to ask the same thing Suz did about the chin ups. There is a guide somewhere on U-tube that someone posted in OD quite awhile ago about getting started with chins/pull ups. Debbie has the right idea. There is...
  19. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs - Oct 17th

    Hi maniacs Hermia...I'm tellin ya...Fridays are not the days to be working late! I'm drinking wine waiting for my last client/friend to show up and thought I would check on ya. It's been two weeks without wine, and one glass is like, OHHHHHHHbabyy why do I miss the so? I did Ripped 1000...
  20. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/15

    Hi Hottie women Debbie...Wow, you're arms looks cut! Love the avatar. too with the nice avatar change...and I was thinking the same thing as Hermia with the Brazilian. Don't think I would be telling too many people you are getting a brazilian! But it definately sounds...