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  1. 6402010095083


    Hi Cathe, I love your work-outs and have bought almost all your dvd's. I have now started the STS program. I am now on disc 7, but I think I might be messing up mealplan wise. Where can I find a good / suitable mealplan to follow while doing the STS program? Any advice would really be...
  2. 6402010095083

    What kind of mealplan should I follow while doing STS?

    I have recently lost 38kg, and have now started the STS Program. I will be doing my second week starting tomorrow. While I was on the diet, I followed a very restricted eating program, and I feel that I don't have enough energy to do STS while following that diet. Could anybody please give me...
  3. 6402010095083

    Can I exercise while I have a cold?

    Thank you for your good advise I am most certainly going to use it.
  4. 6402010095083

    Can I exercise while I have a cold?

    I need to know whether I can still carry on with my exercise routine when I have a cold. I just have a cough and runny nose - IT IS NOT FLU. Is it OK to carry on while I have these two symptoms? Thank you Nikki
  5. 6402010095083

    Step Size

    I need to buy a step and I am not sure which one to buy. On your web page buyers guide, (steps, balls and mats page) at the bottom you specify that you use a step size 44" x 16" for all the videos, yet I see that the one you are selling is 40" by 14". Why is there a difference, and which one...