

Has anyone heard of/used a Taut? They claim it's like an adjustable girdle that helps get your stomach back in place after having a baby. I saw they made a big deal out of Jessica Alba's statement that she wore a girdle to help her get back in shape. Any recommendations?
I would think any benefit from it would be negligible. There is just no substitute for clean eating & exercise.
ITA with kate. post c-section some moms find a girdle or "support" comfortable and even necessary in the early weeks but thats really about the feeling of the incisions and moving around comfortably, not to shrink the belly any more quickly. i can understand wanting some comfort or support myself - i still wore the belly band for many months pp and now wear it still with certain shirts/pants for coverage when nursing. but just cant see these girdle products having any effect other than on our body confidence.

I can't see how it could have any lasting effects. I'm sure that it's just about comfort and appearance.
I used a brace right after I delivered (regular delivery) to train my muscles to go back together. I wore it for about the first month post partum, while working out. I just wanted to make sure that I did not have a problem with diastasis (which I didn't, anyway).

But again, I used mine in conjunction with working out. Not sure how effective, if at all, that would be if you were just using it by itself.

Thank you all for your replies. Yes, this would definitely go with working out. I miss my more challenging Cathe DVD's!
I used the baby bandit. (I think that's what it is called). I bought 2 and even though I'd wear one for a day and then wash it while wearing the other, I still got a yeasty infection thing on my skin from it! I didn't like how hot it made me feel (and I gave birth in January). I probably only wore it for 2 weeks. I couldn't stand it!

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