Weights First or Cardio First


What are you suppose to do when working out; the weight portion first or cardio.

I think I have heard that it is better to do your weights first but it really boils down to preference in the end.

On the STS board, Cathe suggests doing the STS first and the cardio second if you have to do it on the same day.

My question is for the "4DS", the cardio is done first, why is this? I find that by the time I get to the weights in the kickboxing, I am tired out.

One more question - is there a way to just do the weight work without the cardio. I look but could not seem to find that option.

I *believe* that I have heard Cathe tell someone on the boards that if you are going to do cardio and weights in the same day, start with whichever is your focus. I always do weights first. You can simply go to the chapters menu and select where you would like to start, then go back and do the same for the cardio.

As for the KBX/Legs -- I find it impossible to do any sort of moderate-to-heavy lifting, then cardio, or vice versa. On my leg day, that's all I do -- Legs, then stretch.

I'm not sure if this the right way to do it, but I do cardio first. According to my HRM, I burn more calories if I do cardio first,and my goal is to primarily lose fat and then to build muscle.
i am the same as lorrie. as far as my HRM, i definitely burn more doing cardio first, but i really am not looking to lose any weight or fat. it's just what i have ALWAYS done, so i continue to do it.
I never really gave it a thought, but I always did cardio first, even when I was working out at a gym. I still do!:7
I prefer to lift first and get that out of the way and finish up with a good, sweaty cardio session. I like to think of it as shaking out the lactic acid that's built up in my muscles and loosening my body up after a weights session.

That being said, I always do 4DS as produced (with cardio first). I don't know why.

ETA: This really is an age-old question, though. Everyone has their own opinion as to why you should do weights before cardio or vice-versa. I believe it's a personal choice (and like others have said ^^^ it depends on your goals). If my goal for that day is to work mostly on cardio and get in a short weights session, I'll do cardio first in order to give it my all. If my goal is to lift heavy and hard I'll do that first and cardio after.


I have switched to doing the weights first, as I have heard a lot about doing what is your focus first. I do find that I am able to lift the heavier weights a lot better because I have not pre-exhausted myself doing the cardio first.

There are many premixes on the 4DS - one being the weight first for all the workouts. It works great- you do the normal warmup - do the weights portion - then right on to the cardio. I have been doing the workouts that way and have been getting the best results.

There is also premixes that are weights only - but in a different sequence as the regular workouts - there is chest, shoulders and tri and back and biceps premixes. Great variety...
Here's what I have read in one of Tracie Long's forums (and elswhere but I can't remember exactly). This research is by Mark Henrickson, one of the founders of the original FIRM workouts:

As a pre-weight training warm-up, even two minutes of cardio will sabotage your lifting results.

Why? Most cardio (1) works only works/warms leg muscles & joints, and (2) burns off your lower-body muscles' precious, very limited supply of ready ATP (adenosine triphosphate)-- the single compound that causes ALL muscle activity.

Perfect for lifting, quickly available ATP sources are depleted (in the working muscle) within two minutes of strenuous activity. This short window of opportunity is ideal for weight work, which requires intense work for the short period of time needed to exhaust each muscle group.

The ideal warm-up for weight work is to precede each lift with a few repetitions with an easy, light weight-- using the identical motions used for the heavy weight exercise that follows. (This warms up the right muscles and joints, from the proper angle.)

On a per-muscle basis, your stored ATP is gone in the first 5-6 seconds of intense activity. A muscle contracts when its ATP releases energy-- by losing a phosphate to become ADP (adenosine diphosphate). Sources of muscle energy is like a four-stage rocket. Depletion of ATP ends stage one.

Stage two is over in the first 20-25 seconds of intense activity, after local Creatine Phosphate is spent-- donating a phosphate to ADP (diphosphate) to restore it to the powerful ATP (triphosphate).

Stage three is over within only two minutes (or less!) of intense activity. In this phase, local glucose (sugar) revive is used to revive ATP.

The fourth and final stage is the "aerobic stage" which is a good fit for cardio-- but awful for weight lifting. Although cardio may seem like a good idea for burning fat it isn't-- because burns calories at 1/18th the rate at which the first three stages incinerate calories.

For fat loss, burning calories is all that counts-- and they much faster in the first three stages.

- Hope it helps.
I like to do cardio first because then I'm really warmed up for weight work and if I'm doing Cathe DVD's I can skip the weight warm-up and save time!
Im not sure what you are suppose to do first but lately I have been doing weights first.Mainly b/c I have a small child and he may wake during my workout, so if I have a weight workout planned for that day, then I do that first and the cardio after.
I also find that if I eat a little something just before my workout I can lift but I wouldn't want to be jumping around. 45 mins of lifting and I feel like I am ready for cardio.
Before my son though I did cardio first b/c my muscles were warmed up and I didn't have to do the warmup again. I think its all personnal preference. I have obviously done both and haven't noticed any changes one way or the other.

To me, it doesn't matter what the research says, I can only do it one way if I have to do both activities on the same day. It has to be cardio first, then weights. And it has nothing to do with energy reserves, it is all in the mind.

If I lifted weights for an hour and then had to do cardio, it would never happen. My mind would rebel because I would be bored already with exercise and not able to find the "umph" within myself needed to leap into action. But I am completely able to do half an hour's cardio, rest 5 min and then complete a weights routine. I can persuade myself to do it.

However, since I know myself so well and I know my limitations and that I am pretty much a black/white, all or nothing person, I no longer do weights and cardio on the same day. If I am doing a workout, I give it my all to get the best results possible. I get into a mindset, the one required to succeed in that day's task set, whether it is weights or cardio, and I do it and then that is it. Once it is accomplished, I have no more to give and I couldn't tolerate doing a separate, different activity. Mentally, I would rebel. Once I have earned my rest, a bath and a big dinner, nothing can keep me from it, not even the need to do a pesky cardio session. Not gonna happen!

So, despite what the research says, you have to do what works for you. Do what suits your personality, your workouts style, your lifestyle, your time limitations, etc. Bottom line: you have to make it work for you.

Clare ;-)

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