Weight Loss Check-In 01/13/03


Hi Everyone. I guess I'll start this thread this week. I didn't lose any weight, but I maintained, so that is good! My workouts were good with the new series and eating was so-so, as usual. How did everyone else do?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-03 AT 01:14PM (Est)[/font][p]I knew I was forgetting to check in somewhere :)

Linda, maintaining is definitely better than gaining so congrats!

I had a decent week. I was on track with eating and on week 2 of PS rotation. Lost 2.2 this week and 1/2 inch or so in my bust and butt..so I'm pretty pleased.

Hoping I can keep the momentum up!

~~ Sharon ~~
Good job Linda and Sharon! Sharon, I am doing a PS rotation as well. I am in my first week but so far am really enjoying it. Yesterday I did C/S/T and today I was down on the floor with my kids and I was just leaning on my hand with my arm straight and my arm collapsed on me! I guess it is working! I lost another pound this week. I got my 10 pound ribbon in WW last Thursday. I am at 178. My 10% goal is 172 so I hope I can get there pretty soon. My very good friend told me she wanted to start going to WW with me. So that is very exciting. She probably only has fifteen or twenty pounds to lose, but it will be fun doing it together. How did everyone else do? -Heather
Great week everyone! I have not weighed myself in a few weeks, could not face the scale since I have had a bunch of personal problems lately. I got on it last week and am proud to report I finally got below 200! Last time I weighed I was around 218 or so. I could not find the weight loss thread last week, was there one?? Anyway, so I'm 199 and have lost 57 lbs since July 02. I have 64 more to go.

Donna, I know this is late but I saw Oprah last week and thought of you. The 2 examples of women who lost lots of weight- one had gastric bypass (carnie wilson) and the other one (daughter of nancy wilson, no relation to carnie) lost over 200 lbs but they did not really say how she did it. You my dear friend have lost it the old fashioned way through sweat and discipline. I would LOVE to see you on the show!!!!

Donna, does Cathe know your story? You should be one of her success stories.

I've lost two pounds this week. I didn't work out for two weeks over Christmas and New Years and gained about 5 pounds. I've decided that I'm going for the size 6 so I have 3 more Christmas pounds to lose plus about 10 pounds to lose to get me into a size 6.

Congratulations to everyone who lost!
Hi all,

Linda: Congrats on maintaining, you know my motto about that! :)

Sharon, Heather and JenniferAnn: WOW~you guys are on a losing streak like crazy! I am sooooo happy and sooooo envious of you all! :)

And a special "shout out" to Marci for going under the "200lb threshhold!" YES!!!! That is an awesome feeling, so congratulations BIG TIME! :)

I'm not sure if I lost or not? I am "spotting" and expecting my TTOTM either today or tomorrow so I think I'm holding fluid because I maintained, so I'm hoping I didn't maintain but am holding fluid and may see a drop after I go "off." But my eating was only so-so last week, I had a terrible time fighting those PMS cravings, I get them anywhere from 7-10 days prior to TTOTM and it drives me insane! I go all haywire and crave the crapiest foods! I fought it off a few times by forcing myself to eat a piece of fruit when I craved something sweet or salty, but a couple of battles I lost, so actually now that I look back over last week, maintaining might be a really good thing! :)


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!

I don't know if Cathe got my letter or not, but I did send her a letter back in October or November when Liz (fitnessvideofanatics) asked me about my story. I thought I should let Cathe know how much her workouts have done for me since I was mentioning her name in my story. But it was just in the hectic time of her shooting her new series and all so I don't know if she got the letter or not? But I did tell her and thanked her for all she's helped me to achieve.

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
RE: JenniferAnn..............

Congrats on your losses everyone!!!! I, however, maintained. I hate to say it, but I was disappointed. During football Sunday I had 2 bags of Healthy Choice popcorn. I think I was retaining fluid. I drank about 10 glaases of water after that, but it didn't help. I really struggled some last week, chocolate cravings big time, but I stuck to my points, and nothing. I KNEW when I was eating all that popcorn the results were not going to be good, so I guess I dug my own grave. But, next week I will prevail!!!! Good luck to everyone this week.
Lori S.
Hi guys,
I haven't posted for a while. But I have still been working at it. I have been doing 3 strenght workouts and 3 aerobic workouts a week. This is my third week and I have to say I am getting used to it. My eating on the other hand is not going so easily. I am trying to keep a food diary so maybe that will help. I am doing WW online but keep going over my points. I am going to start planning my meals the day before. I lost 1 pound this week.
So far everyone who posted seems to be doing good also. Sorry this is so long. Till next week.
RE: JenniferAnn..............

Hello from snowy Germany!
Congratualtions to all you losers!

This is my first week back on the scale. The damage, I am sorry to report, is a gain of 35 pounds since June! UGH!!!!! (Doubly so since I'd gone from 265 to 180...) SO, here is the plan:

1) Back into weights with PH 3x per week for at least 3 weeks. Then I'm thinking about maybe adding in MIS for one of the workouts for another 3 weeks. We'll see if my body adjusts that quickly or not.

2) Cardio. I'm re-learning rhythmic step. I'm also doing a shortened version of the 2 cardio events per day with the stationary bike and the treadmill (just 10 to 20 minutes to see if there is any remaining muscle memory here....)

3) Full food journaling. I HATE keeping a food diary but it always helps, so here goes.

4) Mind. There are so many things that I dislike about being a beginner again that my attitude just needs a serious adjustment! I'm also resentful that after being only 40 pounds from my goal - I ended up having to give up my position in the Air Force. So, I'm working on it. I'll take any suggestions for releasing this negativity.

Well, thats the plan. Will report again next week. Sorry this was so long. You guys sure are inspirational.

"A better class of loser suits me fine." Friends in Low Places (Garth Brooks)
Hi All,

I am checking in for the first time in weeks ! :-shy. I had a hectic Christmas and New Year, too shattered to exercise, of which I am disgusted (didn't do any for 3 weeks - slap my wrists !). Managed to put on 3lbs over Christmas and New Year, after Christmas day, Boxing day, Birthday and New Years day blow outs ! :-tired. Not bad considering the exercise went down the drain.

Started back out exercising last week to Kathy Smith, to ease my way back in, and did Cathe for the first time last night, BOY OH BOY.......aching !!!!!!!!! Though it felt good to be Powerhouring, Have I missed this woman or what ????????? Never, ever will I go more than a few days this year without missing Cathe, it is just agonising get back into it, and FUN !

So, anyway, I have decided to not weigh myself 'til next week, even though the healthy eating is going well.

Thats me in a nutshell !

Hi All,

Just read through everyone's posts :)

Lori and Linda - as Donna says, It is better to maintain than to gain !!!!!!!! keep up the good work.

Sharon and Heather - well done on your weight loss ! You go girls ! And Sharon thankyou for your holiday advice, I am less panicky now !

Marci - Woo-Hoo, Excellent work !!!!!!!! Your succes has been brilliant - keep it up !!!!!! :-jumpy

And Katie, welcome back, and good luck, we are right behind you :D

Well done everyone !

Anna :)
Can I join in? I've posted to weight loss checkins as jencrispin before, but lost that log-in information. I don't know if anyone remembers me.

I lost three of the seven pounds I gained in December and hope to lose the rest plus two by the end of the month. That's a little ambitious for me, but I'm working hard.


Katie, I'm so sorry you had to give up your Air Force job. That really sucks. How long ago did that happen? Is your spouse active duty? I went from being a brat to being an airman to being a spouse, and going from airman to spouse is the worst transition.

Hi everybody, well I maintained my weight this week.

I'm having some "issues".

When I started losing weight, I weighed 267. This was large enough that I was very embarrassed about how I looked, and felt that people were looking at me because of my weight anytime I went anywhere.

Now I am 216. I feel tons better physically, I exercise regularly and no longer huff and puff everytime I walk. I don't feel my weight is the first thing people notice about me, I'm definitely chubby but not freakishly so.

But, in some ways I think I am scared to lose more weight.

It is very scary to think of everybody looking at me at a normal weight.

So I think I have some "issues" to work through.

Y'know, it's been a few months since I lost anything, and I don't want to make excuses for myself because I think part of that is just lost motivation. But I can't help wondering if these emotions I've uncovered are causing me to sabotage myself.

If you've been obese for a long time, don't you get scared thinking about what a normal weight is like?

People will actually notice you. There would no longer be any excuse for me to neglect other aspects of my appearance. And so on.

So I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to deal with this, and how to get back on track.

Congrats to all those who lost!! And for the rest of us, we will get there!!!

Thanks everyone! Great job to all the losers!

Kay, I so know how you feel being so large people are looking. I was 255 last summer. I find now I'm getting people starting to notice and istead of being flattered by the comments I just think "wow I must have been HUGE" because here I am 199 and still fat but people are commenting on how I've lost. But if you felt people were looking at your heaviest and you were embarrassed, you should feel PROUD of how you look at how far you have come.

You can do this. Look how far you have come!!!

I understand where you're at, I think we all have our own "issues" that pop up during our losses, and for each of us its different. I LOVE being looked at since for so long no one ever took a second glance (except hubby~and only he and God understand why he looked twice!), but I too am at some "crossroads" with my weight and dealing with issues I haven't quite gotten a grip on.
I'm clearly not "done" with myself, yet I struggle with my eating every week now? It's a mental thing, but I'm not sure what's going on with me yet? But I know it sabotages my eating every single week now for the past 2 months!
Sometimes I think maybe I'm not sure who I am now? Or what life might be like for me at a normal weight? I've never been normal, even as a child I was overweight so at no time have I ever been where I should be, so how do I do it? And if I get there, can I hold on to it?
I always say that weight loss is just as much mental as physical! I use to NEVER have "fat days" the whole time I was losing because I was losing and feeling good about myself, but now I have "fat days" and actually change clothes several times trying to find something that makes me look thinner. What the he@@ is that about? So we all have our "issues" and I guess the best we can do is try talking them out with others that sort of understand. Sometimes I think I'll always feel "fat" because I've never known anything else. I hope that feeling fades, but I'm closer to goal than I've ever been but I still feel "fat!"
Ya know Kay, I WAS trying to make you feel better but now I've got myself thinking about my own issues! Thanks a lot Kay! :)
But seriously, as long as I'm already depressing myself, take your time with yourself, but don't give in or up, because you wouldn't be sweating your tail off or lifting or doing any of what you're doing unless you really wanted it, so don't stop, just be patient with yourself, and appreciate the looks and comments.
I'm just happy to be able to go into a restaurant and sit at a booth now! Or sit in a cloth chair and looking forward to lawn chairs this summer! Woooo~Hooo! I am greatful for the "normal" things in life now, but I still double think everything, like looking at how sturdy a seat is, or how wide a doorway, so mental weight loss takes time, I'm still not there, but I hope to be someday.
Stay strong and you know you can email me anytime you're feeling "off" but don't want to put it out there publically. God knows I feel like people must think I'm prime product for a "rubber room" sometimes! But that's what's so cool about this check in, I somehow feel like we all understand each other and are somehow going through the same struggles.


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Kay.............

Donna - you made me feel a lot better, I'm not the only person struggling with this.

Maybe part of the problem is that being fat is so much a part of our identity. I mean, who is the thin Kay? I don't know that person. I only know that I want to kill off the fat person.

But obviously I have other issues as well. I mean I think if I woke up tomorrow and was at my goal weight, well frankly it kind of scares me. I would feel so self-conscious.

When I was a teenager I had to go to a therapist for a few months. She said sometimes people gain weight and hide behind it.

Is that what I've done all these years? Hide behind my body? Use it as an excuse for not dealing with my insecurities?

I feel like I've made a little bit of a breakthrough identifying these weird emotions, though. Maybe that's what has been wrong these past few months. Unfortunately, I don't think knowing that makes getting back on track any easier.

Thanks, Donna and Marci, for your thoughts and encouragement. It really helps to have people who understand!!
RE: Weighloss Checkin

Heather as a fellow WWr wanted to congratulate you on your 10 lb ribbon! What a great achievement… this is just the beginning!

Marci – Woo Hoo!! You made it to Onederland! I’m so proud of you and you should be extremely proud of yourself.

Jennifer – Congrats to you! KOKO

Phyllis and Katie and Jenn Hello there!

Anna do you think we didn’t notice you were gone?? :J I’ve been checking your beauty musings on other boards….

Lori You know it was the popcorn – hang in there and you’ll get the loss you deserve next week.

<<Kay & Donna>> you gals deserve big hugs. You are doing such a wonderful job. It’ll just take time for your mind to catch up with your body but hang in there. You are right that it is so nice to be able to hang out with folks that can identify with what you are going through.

I read somewhere that fat is sometimes worn as a "symbol of unfulfilled dreams and stored anger." It resonated with me as I know I have issues to deal with... but I'll work on them when the time is right.

I’m nowhere near goal but have made some good progress over the past 5 months and KNOW that I am going to achieve the weight loss I want this time around ('cause Cathe is kicking that weight off!). But..after reading your posts it brought to mind that I’ve been struggling lately with my feelings about my husband being more “attentive” now that I’ve lost 20 lbs. I know that he is showing his appreciation for my hard work…and is probably more attracted to me because I’m projecting that I'm more attracted to me...but it also brings back some of those old doubts. Good thing is that I’m confident about how he feels about me and know that its just my mind messing with me.

Anyway.. just wanted to let you know that I hear what you’re saying…but remember

2003 is going to be a GREAT year for us ‘losers’. I just know it!! Hang in there!
~~ Sharon ~~
RE: Kay.............

Kay, I posted here a few months ago about whether I would let myself be thin. I go through the same issues. I'm so close to my goal but I sabotage myself because being skinny scares me. I think of myself as skinny now even though I could stand to lose a few more pounds and it still strikes me as weird to be skinny even though I've been thin for most of my life. I caught myself looking in the mirror today in the bathroom just a little amazed that that person was me. But on the other hand, I feel like me again. This is how I thought I was for the 3 years or so that I was overweight. I ignored my weight problem.

But it's a little scary to achieve your goals. And it's also a little scary for me in that people look at me differently these days. When I first started losing weight, I was so surprised when these guys were staring at me. It's a bit intimidating.

I'm going to a singles thing at my church this week and I'm totally freaked out over it. I can't believe that I'm going to some boy-girl thing skinny. I'm going to wear a black mini-skirt something I never would have worn when I was heavier. It's going to be hard for me because I still think of myself as the unattractive 'fat' girl and I'm not that anymore but my perception of myself isn't consistent with reality which makes having relationships with other people difficult.

Sorry for rambling and butting in but I think that a lot of us have the exact same issues.

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