<--suddenly the wheels are in motion

<--wonders how Beavs Mom is doing today?
<--wonders how old Beavs Mom is?
<--thinks old age has its attractive points
<--says no, really
<--likes being too forgetful to hold grudges, for example :p
<--is off to down large mugs of java
<--yells "'MORNING, NANCY!!!
<--has no idea what's going on in the forums!
<--waves to everyone and wishes them a great day
<--must find the time to peruse OAL threads to find out what is up with Beav's mom!
<--tells Beavs that she hopes all is well and will see her on FB soon!
<--must dash...can't be late on the third day of my new job!!!!!
<--waves good morning to Nancy and TeTe
<--is happy it's HUMP DAY!!!!
<--has been busy this week
<--needs much coffee this morn!!
<-- runs into thread and is excited to see TeTe has stopped by
<-- missed TeTe
<-- waves GM to Nancy, Catherine and TeTe
<-- is LOL about Nancy's comment about being forgetful about grudges
<-- clinks tea cup with Nancy's coffee cup
<-- didn't know TeTe has a new job and sends belated congrats on the new job
<-- hopes Catherine won't be so busy that she can't play with us
<-- doggies are still sleeping and don't seem to be too keen to get going yet
<-- wonders what's up with that
<-- thinks they need a good kick in the bum
<-- got up at 3:30 and has been watching the news, shouldn't have, now has a headache :eek:
<-- is off to find the running shoes, HRM and iPod
<-- wishes everyone a fantabulous day
<-- also forgot that TeTe has a new job; CONGRATS
<-- is sending good vibes since the first week or so is always hard
<-- waves to Nance
<-- thinks old age is nice for the purple hat reason and then for the someone else is in charge of bodily functions reason ;)
<-- knows that's gross but whatever
<-- waves to Catherine and Carola
<-- gets to drive all over creation today in search of a full set of weights to use to train clients :D
<-- doesn't want to use <-- weights because <-- weights are perfect and wonderful and they are all in a pretty row in the living room and if <-- share them they cannot be as perfect or as pretty
<-- says sue me
<-- got up early to run before the chiro
<-- doesn't want to run
<-- isn't gonna
<-- will do yoga instead
<--hopes Ame has a good yoga session and success finding some weights
<--agrees with Carola about the news giving a h/a
<--is still in need of more coffee
<--wonders what's up with that???
<--looks around and says wow, just 5 OALers posting today???
<--wonders what's become of our little group
<--misses everyone that was once here :(
<--wonders why they don't like to play anymore
<--says in a sad voice "did I do something wrong?"
<--wonders if anyone remembers that commercial
<--it was a "Have You Hugged Your Kid Today" commercial
<-- asks Catherine HOW OLD ARE YOU?!
<-- totally didn't mean that <-- was just being a brat
<-- thinks Catherine is the sweetest smartest funniest lady in all of whatever southern state she lives in
<-- means Catherine is the sweetest smartest funniest lady in all of Kentucky
<-- would say more good things about her had she not FORGOTTEN <--
<-- wants that Athleta bra top you wore, too; the brown and purple one
<-- has been creating an Athleta wish list
<-- can only imagine how much $$ that is
<-- must go work out before DH gets home
<-- always mean to yet <-- never do and we eat dinner at 9pm
<-- am beat!
<-- waves bye for now
<--tells Ame that <--has been showing her age lately
<--is 42 and doesn't mind at all :p
<--well except for the insomnia, hot flashes,....
<--wonders what w/o Ame is doing?
<--also has an Athleta wish list
<--thinks Christmas might come early :eek::eek:
<---pops in and waves a belated hi you ladies
<---says her Dh surprised her with tickets to Seether and Breaking Benjamin tonight and her ears will never be the same
<---says we left there going "huh", "what did you say?"
<---adds that it was an AMAZING concert though and it was fun to see Breaking Ben which started as a local group
<---is too wound up now for bed
<---knows she is going to totally crash tomorrow :(
<---also got to see the cute little piggies at the fair... loves piggies!
<-- tells Catherine S&H
<-- almost cried doing bis tonight
<-- is excited for Ms. Lianncannolongerhearuspants
Trying this Thread Thing

First day of Cathe ever. Saw this post and thought. "They sound fun and encouraging." Need that after years of "no fitness at all."
<--- welcomes meveritt to the OAL
<--- explains that OAL means "Order of the Arrow Ladies"
<--- tells her that this is the most encouraging, fun group you could hope to come across :)
<--- hasn't posted in a while
<--- explains that life is getting in the way
<--- will try to be around a bit more
<---sticks her tongue out at Shelley and meveritt and says this is yesterdays arrow thread, you sillies
<---has been in lurkdom mode for several days and doesn't like it
<---misses all you youse like crazy...

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