someone from lean and strong will be on oprah!!


I had not been to this board in a while but I was browswing today and a lady named cindy rae just got a call to fly out tommorrow to be filmed for the oprah show check out her pictures in the transformation gallery under cindy rae begining to now.Bravo cindy rae!!
Pam B, from what I understand, is someone who went through a remarkable transformation and now she's a fitness trainer online. Camp B is her program that you can buy. Lots of people rave over it, I'm not familar with what it is exactly because I hang out mostly on the BodyRx section of L&S. I do read the main board quite a bit, there's tons of valuable info there from very knowledgable folk.
What is the show about? Is she simply a guest in the audiance or on the show for her transformation?? Deb

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