Self Breast Exams for 2006


Well Catheites, it is time to come clean over what has been up with me for the past 2 weeks. I had a mammogram at the beginning of December and the tech kept taking pics and pics and pics of my right breast. Scary! I finally asked what was up and she said that there were some calcifications in my right breast and that the radiologist would follow up with me. I also saw them on the films and didn't have a warm fuzzy feeling about it. The follow up was that they were scattered, nothing to fret about and "See ya next year." This was bugging me. I made an appointment with my OB/GYN and then decided "Maybe I can find these myself" and started doing a more thorough exam than the last 20 years or so of "Oh, I won't find anything anyway" type of exams. I ended up finding a little lump off to the right.
So, panic set in, but at least I had a doc appointment. I ended up bumping it up and seeing another OB/GYN on the Friday before Christmas. He, too, found the lump. I ended up getting referred to a breast surgeon, but again, the wait started for an appointment. I checked that damned lump every day and was getting more and more worked up. Like almost every woman, I have a couple of friends who have had breast cancer and a grandmother who actually died from it.
My appointment was yesterday and gratefully the lump was a cyst. The doc did find 2 other suspicious areas and sent me over to the ultrasound where they checked out the areas and found 2 MORE cysts - making a total of 5 that I never found because I either wasn't agressive enough or they were buried. I still have one more place that she doesn't like that hasn't been ruled out - it they rule it as a cyst, I am golden, but if they don't know what it is and that will come out and I am happy about that. I do trust the breast surgeon and she is as agressive as I want her to be and whatevery happens I know that she will do the best job for me. Likely the other mass is another cyst area, but I like that she just takes out what she doesn't like. She had a little "come to Jesus" meeting with me about performing the self exam thoroughly every single month.

The moral of the story is......let's make 2006 the year we all band together to keep our bodies in tip, top shape by performing the self exam every month! Mammograms are a tool, but they miss 1 in 10 tumors. Your doc might find one, but nobody knows you like you! The last 2 weeks have been full of the fear and heartache every woman knows when something like this happens and I am happy to report that part is winding down and I can move into taking care of myself. Let's keep each other on our toes and checking every month.


Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.
Melissa what good news and a very good reminder to us all. I had my annual mammogram yesterday (do it every Christmas)and must add a funny aside. The woman performing my mammo actually said, "You have very dense breasts, and so muscular!!" Nice to be reminded at such a moment that indeed them Cathe workouts are paying off!! Ha!

Boy, I know how you feel. I just had a biopsy done on my right breast on Dec. 21. Luckily it was benign. I didn't have a mammogram for a couple of years and this turned up. I have to go back again in six months for another mamogram. My sister had breast cancer at the age of 26 in 1973. They removed the breast and lymph nodes. Back then they had no follow up chemo or radiation treatments. She now is 58 and is doing well.

I'm glad everything has turned out well so far and that you have a good doctor. It's a good reminder for all of us to do our self exams. Although I've been getting yearly mammos since I was 37 (my maternal grandmother died of breast cancer), I'm terrible about doing self exams. Let's keep each other honest!

I'll keep you in my prayers!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Melissa, I'm with you on the breast exams. We actually need to make this a check-in. I went through what you did last December. I found a small lump in my right breast in October of 2004 and waited until my regularly scheduled appt with by GYN in November to show it to her. She immediately ordered a mammogram, then the radiologist ordered a cone-down view, then an ultrasound. I was in a panic by the time I left the Radiology Department that night!!! They sent me to a breast surgeon who reviewed the films and determined it was a lymph node and nothing to worry about but I had to have a six-month follow up this past June with another mammogram and ultrasound and have been given the all clear. I will have my regularly scheduled yearly mammogram in January.

My mother had breast cancer at age 59 and I am 44 so it is scary.

Let make sure we do this every month. I am still not as aggressive with this as I need to be.
I also had two recent scares. The last being this Thankgiving. I am 33 and have not had a child in almost four years. Well while doing my exam I noticed a white milky subtance coming from my left breast. Now no kids in four years I was scared to death. My mom who had breast cancer in 00 had an estrogen related cancer which presented itself by a leaking breast. I went to see my ob who took cells of both breast and this time both were leaking which was a better sign. Needless to say with the holiday I had to wait 15 days for the results. This was the most horrible Thanksgiving ever. I did manage to hide it well from my girls ( ages 8,6,and3) because when I finally got the news I was great I broke down in tears. My girls asked me what was wrong so I knew I did a good job of hiding it until it had to be delt with. I just wanted to point out that even though it is the scarist time of my life I would rather know the truth. I had an abudance of hormones in my from my period which had just recently past hence the milk. This month I waited a few more days after menstrating to check and this time no milk.I just wanted to share because hearing all these stories makes me feel better as a women to know we all share a common experience or bond from an experience of another. I also wanted to point out something my dh said to me while we were going through this. He said you have more courage then you think you do. I don't know if I do but I am glad he has the confidence for the both of us. Thanks for letting me share. Karen
Amazing when you come out of the closet with something like this how many people are going through the same thing.
Let's stay on those self exams. I think I'm covered for this month.

I did not hear from my doc today, but there is only one mass left and I can wait a couple of days for that one.

Thanks to all for sharing your stories!


Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.
Melissa, thank you for posting this. I am so sorry you have been going through (and still am) this ordeal. You are so very right in that we should take care of ourselves. I am one who does not do self exams and I should. Thank you for sharing your personal story so that we could all get the kick in our pants that we need!!

By the way, oh how I miss Washington State!! First of all, you have a BEAUTIFUL family!!!! Those pics in the mountains made my heart turn. I lived in Marysville for 4 years (DH was stationed in Everett). I loved WA State!!! I'm from NY and am now living in MD(which I really hate). We are moving again soon, but not to WA. Someday... Enjoy your New Year and your wonderful family. Health and happiness to you!!!

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