Liver Cleanse?


I've been hearing a lot about the benefits of a "liver cleanse." I looked it up on the Internet and quite frankly, it looks a little scary. Has anyone tried this? Is it really necessary for optimum health? Any opinion would be great!
I ordered a book from Amazon about a liver/gall bladder cleanse by an "intuitive physician" and it sounded so icky (drinking olive oil and baking soda, then sticking around the house for the aftermath...) that I returned the book.

I thought maybe the chemo I went through had damaged my liver but my regular doc told me my liver function was very normal.

My understanding is liver is a very powerful organ. If it can withstand two years of chemo and show no ill effects (no pun intended :)) I'm not so sure what a cleanse will do for it.

Susan L.G.
I just read the liver cleanse procedure too, and quite frankly, it sounds like a crock. I'm quite sure that drinking olive oil mixed with grapefruit juice alternating with Epsom salts will clean you out, but I doubt it will do anything at all for your liver/gallbladder. Blech.
My personal opinion is that if an organ needs cleansing then something is wrong with it. And if something is wrong with it, your body will show plenty of other symptoms.
You're right - it was epsom salt, not baking soda.

The book I purchased was "The Amazing liver & gallbladder Flush" by some guy named Andreas something-or-othe. My review on Amazon (dot) com is titled Yeeecccch!, something like that. I gave the book two stars. If you're interested in reading my review here's a link, but some of the comments I got on my review were kind of hurtful! One person even said that taking chemo for cancer was the coward's way out! I mean, come on! Does anyone really deserve that?

Susan L.G.
*GASP* the author of that book is a !$#^$^** (the name I want to call him would not be permitted on the boards).

I seriously cannot believe the author of a book and his minions would leave such hateful and unkind posts about your review. I wouldn't buy anything from this jerk!
>*GASP* the author of that book is a !$#^$^** (the name I want
>to call him would not be permitted on the boards).
>I seriously cannot believe the author of a book and his
>minions would leave such hateful and unkind posts about your
>review. I wouldn't buy anything from this jerk!

Agreed! That's appalling and unethical.
I find it odd that the other "reviewers" who sang the praises of that book don't have any other reviews on Amazon. That's a red flag to me. Maybe someone reviewed himself. x(
Heehee! What I shold have said was (and you always think of these things in retrospect, right?) was, "I'd rather be a live chicken than a dead duck"!


Susan L.G.

P.S. Just wanted to add about the 'suspicious' reviews - I will out myself and say I like to read sequels to Pride and Prejudice - don't know why, but there it is. Hee! :p Anyway, one of the authors I used to read online actually had her books printed and the books (there were thtree of them) are available on Amazon! One time she emailed everyone on her mailing lists to please go to and review her new boook because it wasn't getting very many hits, etc. So I can see where you're coming from, to those that suggested the reviews of the "Liver Flush" book might be less than valid!

Away to my Thursday workout!

P.P.S. And thanks to whoever (whomever?) left the review from A. Jones! You rock!
I have been practicing alternative health for the vast majority of my life. I am thankful that I had an open-minded family who believed in not accepting what someone tells you or is on the news but to find the answers for yourself. You live in your body, not anyone else, and for ANY person to tell you that the ONLY way to treat something is what THEY know, is a great disservice to mankind. Medical school teaches how to treat illnesses with medicine. They are not going to tell you that if you get a sore throat, many people have relief with various homeopathic remedies or herbs. They can’t tell you that because they don’t know about it. One’s liver is a filter system for the body. If you have abused your body with bad eating, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, in any combination, guess what? Your liver will most likely not be functioning at its peak. How can it? Tests doctors run will show that your liver is still functioning as a liver but it may not show that it isn’t detoxifying your body as well as it could be. If the organs in your body have been required year after year to handle your impaired lifestyle choices, it’s impossible for them to do their job at their peak for your ultimate health. Also, some people’s organs may naturally not be as strong as others. Our bodies and its functions vary greatly. If your internal organs can not filter out all the toxins that they’re presented with, ailments can occur. Your skin can be the recipient of toxins if your internal organs aren’t filtering at their best. I’ve seen people’s skin ailments, including acne, dermatitis, and eczema, to name a few, vanish from doing liver and gallbladder flushes as well as cleaning up their diet.

I have seen time after time the medical community not have answers for people who don’t feel well because all of their “tests” are normal. When the body is looked at in a holistic way, i.e. lifestyle, food choices, environmental exposures, to name a few, there is a greater chance to find the SOURCE of the ailment and not just ignore it or try and cover it up with a drug. I am in no way denouncing the medical field at all. Medicines have done miracles for people. It’s just imperative that people DO NOT negate something they have no experience with or true knowledge of. (I know I shouldn’t end a sentence with a preposition.:) ) There is never ever one cause or cure for anything but how can anyone give a viable response to something they have not chosen to educate themselves on. I’m NOT trying to create an argument here. I just want to say please stay open-minded and if you don’t know about something, it’s o.k. to say that you don’t know enough about it to make an educated contribution. THAT'S providing a great service!


Serious questions now:

Since you have more experience than I, in your opinion do you think chemo damages your liver (other than killing cancer cells that might me forming there)? Would a cleanse really have offset any of the damaged that may have been done?

Do you think an effective liver cleanse needs to be as, I don't know, 'icky - scary' as the one described in the Liver Flush book? Do you think that an effective cleanse can be achieved through use of herbs and such, or do you think it's the difference say, between using a proper brush to wash a car or using a toothbrush? You know, both will get the job done, but one is obviously more efficient.

For a while I was using a couple of tinctures for kidney and liver function and although I can't say I actually felt a difference, I knew it probably wouldn't hurt. How do you know if it's helping?

Thanks for your response!

Susan L.G.

I left that review. I couldn't help it...;)

I was so infuriated by what those people wrote to you. How dare they criticize you for something so personal and life-altering. Some things are better kept private. Like my Mother always taught me, "If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all".


I too would like to know the same issues as Susan. Do you have to go through the whole "flush" 5 day routine to benefit? Or can you go the herb route? I mainly want to get rid of the wine from the Holidays! LOL:7 Thanks for your information.
Hi Susan. Before I respond, I must first emphasize that my opinions are mine alone and I make no claim that anyone should think the way I think or change what they are doing. I can only speak from my own personal experiences or from witnessing others who have been helped through non-traditional means. I'm just trying to thwart off any potential back-lashing as it is not my intent in any way to condemn other people’s choices. O.K., that being said, chemo is a heavy duty toxin that is entering your body and being distributed throughout. One's body is already weakened due to the cancer and now it has to deal with the affects of the chemo on the body. I know many people who have never been the same since chemo. Again, I know everyone is different and I'm sure there are people who have had absolutely no lasting affects. Just living on this earth, eating the foods we do, breathing the air we do, which all have chemicals and pollutants in them, puts a stress on our organs. Now, one will say, but that's their job, to filter out toxins, which is true, but logically speaking, as I mentioned in my previous post, we can't expect our bodies to easily clean out ANYTHING we put in it. Our bodies can only do so much. We have to be responsible for assisting it so it may work for us the best it can.

I think a cleanse is most helpful for any adult but what type of cleanse and how often depends on one’s own personal situation. Cleansing can help the body detoxify more quickly and efficiently. Keep in mind, the longer any toxins stay in our body, there is greater chance of having future ailments. I guess relating it to a car might be a good analogy. We can decide not to change our oil since the car seems to be running well but the longer we put it off, the more damage could be happening to the engine, etc. (I’m not a car person but I know people who’ve had problems because they were remiss on changing their oil.) This also brings up the case for proper elimination. I know there was a thread on this not too long ago but let’s just look at it with common sense. If one doesn’t urinate on a regular basis or have healthy bowel movements daily, what happens to all that waste that needs to be eliminated? (I could say a lot more on this subject but that’s perhaps for another discussion.) Our bodies were designed to have healthy evacuations daily. Technically (and I know there may be opposition) our bodies were designed to eliminate after each healthy meal, up to 3 times a day. I don’t mean immediately after, but when we eat, signals are sent through our digestive tract alerting it that food will be processed and after all nutrients are excreted, will be ready for elimination. Now, to be honest, I think I know of a couple of people who’s bodies actually do this but again, logically speaking, if we are ingesting food throughout the day, we should be eliminating the waste products in a timely manner. Hey, I’m happy with one good elimination a day! :p

I believe using well-researched cleansing aids along with a truly clean diet, will help your body restore itself. Again, this is not an across the board guarantee. There could be other issues that also need to be addressed but having a healthy internal environment is a precursor for “optimum” health so how could you go wrong with that?! As far as how do you know if something is working, some people just plain feel better. They may look better, sleep better, subtle pains may disappear, etc. Sometimes, you may not know. I had elevated mercury in my system and I had quite a few symptoms (not solely due to that). I went on a protocol and my mercury level came down significantly. Can I say that I felt better? Actually, no, I couldn’t. I knew my levels were down but apparently other issues still needed to be addressed so I continued on my path to eliminate those symptoms. The bottom line is to do your own research and do what feels right for you. Our bodies are amazing and if we truly listen to what it tells us, we can get that much closer to feeling our best. I hope this helps!

KristaO, I will respond to your post in more detail a bit later. My body is talking to me now saying “Feed Me, Feed Me!”, lol.

I know you were asking BAM, but just wanted to add my two cents. Last year after the holidays I ate and drank too much, my pants were tight and I felt disgusting. I went on the Fat Flush Plan by Louise Gittleman (sp?) and lost the extra pounds (and more), and felt great. Got me back on track to "clean eating". If I remember correctly, she discusses herbs, etc. to cleanse the liver. I'm going to be revisiting the Fat Flush Plan again soon since I overindulged this year too!

Krista, one can benefit from short term cleanses. In fact, if this is your first time, you may want to start slowly to get yourself accustomed to a cleanse. Some people do fresh vegetable juices only all day or in addition to some clean eating. I personally can not do all juices for a day but others see great results. I did not read about the specifics of the 5 day flush but the liver cleanse that I did basically is a 24 hour cleanse, HOWEVER, it's important to be eating very clean and not too heavily for a few days prior to the cleanse for optimum results and of course afterwards as well. Milk thistle is a wonderful herb that helps support and detoxify the liver. If I think there's a possibility I may be over-indulging in a few drinks, of course this is a very rare occasion:p, I will take milk thistle capsules that day and the day after. I'm not familiar with the cleanse that Melissa has done but recommendations are a great place to start. Let me know if I can be of more help!

Milk Thistle is one of the tinctures I used that I mentioned a couple of posts up. Like what BAM said might happen, I didn't feel any different, I only had to hope it was working.

The tinctures were not inexpensive, but the small bottles I had lasted a long time - more than two months. I put a few drops each of the two in my morning cereal. I think the brand had something to do with angels.

Susan L.G.

Well, not exactly angels, but something like it.
Kundalini Yoga has a Purify and Cleanse DVD out with Kundalini yoga moves that cleanse and detox your liver naturally. I love the DVD and do it often, as I was told that I should detox my liver ....cuz I have bad sinuses and the two are related some how. Ravi & Ana make the DVD and it's available on Amazon. "Yoga Cleanse - Lighten Up and Purify".
Hi Melissa,

I was going to mention Ann Louise Gittleman's Fat Flush Plan as well. However, you already posted this. I love her plan! :)


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