Iron Yoga Review


i am just going to copy the post i used for my videos group for the review,but i just wanted share since it was an interesting workout and others might benefit from renting it to see if its for them.

"good early morning all,

have a doctor's appointment really early so i wanted to try this workout since it was to blend yoga,my favorite morning pick me up, and weights which i wanted to get some in today. rather then waiting to see what happens in my day, this workout is perfect to blend two workouts in a one. It is led by either a former or current Iron Man athlete Anthony Carillo. Great body but not really my type. He has a calm voice as he leads througout the workout and he talks quite a bit but its all about breathe,form,and all the cues.But he doesn't mirror his cueing which caught me off guard a few times. He has two background execisers, both female and both modifying either intermediate level or beginner level while Anthony did advanced level. he goes over what he means by legs active and core strong while reminders pop up when to hold and intensify a move.

the workout itself started with a weight warm-up doing strong,controled,slow movments for one rep each. it was an okay warm up but i have always preferred sun salutations for this,which is why i love bryan kest workouts. i think if he did at least 2or 3 sun salutations THEN did this weight warm-up it would have been a lot better IMO. after warm-up there are 4 sequenced segments. Tree Sequence,Power Lunge/Sun Salutation 1,Single Leg Balance Sequence,Sun Salutation 2/Cooldown. most of this workout relys on balance and strength to hold the poses. you do ALOT of balancing poses while working the upper body with very light weights. Its not a workout meant to bulk you up but strengthen the smaller muscles of shoulders and back while getting some working for arms as well. i used 3 pound weights myself and felt just enough work beginners might want to try engaging with no weights or 1-2 pound weights, while very strong advanced can move up in weight. the rep pattern is weird though, he will do one arm,then the other, then do both arms while holding for a breathe. that is where the challenge really lies it holding the peak contraction. the side angle pose doing a concentration curl was by far my most challenging pose for the workout b/c it did have me not only focus on alignment but i can to contract legs and core to hold the pose while contracting my biceps to work the movment. its all very slow moving and he holds most of the poses. if you are not into this type of yoga then you will not like this workout. i think it would make a good alternate to faster paced power yoga. do bryan kest one day then power yoga the next.

as mentioned above it does work mostly shoulders and back to strengthen the smaller muscles but he does some tricep,biceps, and even formarm work. there was a couple execises that worked chest but it was also a compound movment to get the back muscles. its a very different workout and wouldn use it as a supplement to current weight workouts but not a replacement of them. perfect for short on time b/c its about an hour long but the chaptering will let you choose your favorite sequence and skip to cooldown for even shorter workouts. the music is instrumental, kind of like new age on a synthesizers but focusing on the workout blocked that out for me. anthony is very calm which makes it feel like a yoga workout and it actually does helpwith the focus of the weight work.

i do hope he makes some more videos with different sequences and exercises b/c this was a real creative workout and think that other poses and exercises should be able to come into play. i was thinking something like warrior one with tricep extensions. we will have to see what the future holds. "

have a good day all

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