iphone or blackberry -- which one do u prefer?


Hi everyone - I am going to purchase either an iphone or Blackberry this week, and am looking for recommendations or suggestions? I am technologically backward, so need something that's reasonably easy to figure out.

Well, I've only used a Blackberry, but I love it. I've heard that touch screens can be kind of a pain. I also chose Blackberry because I didn't want to be stuck with AT&T mobile service.

Good luck in whatever you choose!
I LOVE my blackberry!!! If it broke tommorow I'd go out and get a new one on the spot....it's user friendly....if you go with AT&T get the BOLD...more $, but so worth it...the screen is bigger and the so are the keys....LOVE it!
I LOVE my blackberry!!! If it broke tommorow I'd go out and get a new one on the spot....it's user friendly....if you go with AT&T get the BOLD...more $, but so worth it...the screen is bigger and the so are the keys....LOVE it!

If you go with AT&T, you might as well get an iPhone! I, too, am technologically challenged, but can work an iPhone like a pro! :D Yes, the touch keypad takes a little getting used to, but it doesn't take long and works well! I love my iPhone and couldn't see getting anything else.
I've never had a Blackberry so I can't comment about that. I have had an Iphone for almost two years now and I love it!
My firm provides me with a Blackberry, so it's all I've tried. I love it, but I'm sure I'd love the iphone too. In my opinion, there's nothing like a Blackberry for drafting business emails. So, if you're going to use the phone primarily for business, I would recommend the Blackberry, but if you're going to use the phone mostly for personal stuff, then the iphone is probably more fun and has a lot more fun applications. My only caveat is I would avoid a touch screen Blackberry, because touch screen is new to Blackberry and I hear the company hasn't mastered it yet.

I should also add that all the commercials about the Verizon network are TRUE. Verizon service is amazing.
I absolutely love my iPhone. I've had two other smart phones (the Sidekick and Dash) before this one, and the iPhone is, hands down, the best I've owned. If you're looking for user-friendly, this is it, IMO.
I've never had a Blackberry so I have nothing to compare it too, but I LOVE my iPhone!! I just got it about 3 weeks ago and it was very easy to figure out and it's REALLY REALLY fun to play with. :D

BUT :confused:

I also kept my old Verizon phone. I've already had the extreme displeasure of having to spend a weekend in an area that wasn't covered by ATT service, so I was very happy to have my Verizon phone. I have a very basic, cheap plan with Verizon, and I'm hoping that someday either Verizon will get the iPhone, or ATT will service more areas.
My DH has a blackberry and I've used it. I've had a Blackjack and now have an iPhone.

Definitely iPhone.
Absolutely an iPhone! I have one and they are amazing. I am not a techie and I found them easy to use and fun! they have so many applications for everything! They are fun! Everything is in one phone, texting, Ipod, Itunes and games!
I have both an Iphone and a Blackberry. My iphone is my personal phone and the blackberry is for work.

I find the Iphone easier to get around in. But you can pretty much do so the same thing with both phones.
I was away recently and was trying to use my Iphone to do an airport checkin, but my battery was dying, so I just pulled out the blackberry and used it instead.
I, too, have both. The BB is for work and the iPhone is mine. I just got the iPhone in the last month, and was initially reluctant to do so. Now, I'm totally addicted. The iPhone has things the BB doesn't (like your iPod built right in), plus all of the cool apps (they are countless - some useful, some strictly silly for fun). If I had to give up one, it would be the BB. I'm a total iPhone convert!!
Check the Wall Street Journal today (8/26/09) Tech writer Walter Mossberg wrote an article comparing the iPhone and Blackberry. He has both and had several people test and compare their experiences...

I don't have either one - yet. Let us know what you decide and how happy you are with your choice.

Is the iphone service expensive? I have ATT regular cell service and wonder what difference in payments would be.


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