IMAX 3 cathe "quote" & STS


I did imax3 for the first time the other day -- tough workout -- those blasts are longer than the non-blasts, are they not? During the cool down, Cathe says something about "drinking water throughout the workout" and I heard it as "dripping water throughout the workout" and it did not phase me in the least. Yes, I was dripping sweat throughout the workout, of course I was!!

I pre-ordered STS this week and I have experienced the lack of impatience that pre-order brings. It's astounding.... I thought all of you were almost borderline rude, demanding the STS. Well, I'm with you.... think Dire Straights.... "I want my STS... I want my STS.... Now look at them catheletes... that's the way you do it... you work with Cathe on the FitTV.... that *is* working, that's the way you do it...."

[email protected]
RE: IMAX 3 cathe

It can be tough to wait on a preorder but on the other hand it gives me something to look forward to! I don't mind cause the discount makes it well worth it!:)

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