Girl Scout cookies - bah humbug!


The thread raving about GS cookies got me thinking about this.

I KNOW it's sacrilege, but does it bug anybody else that all girl scout cookies (I THINK all of them, certainly all the boxes I've seen) have huge quantities of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, i.e., trans fats? Parially hydrogenated oil is usually the second or third ingredient, after flour and sugar. This really bothers me about these cookies - trans fats are supposed to be one of the worst things you can eat, much worse than liquid vegetable oil or even butter. I do eat sweets but I avoid trans fats. I guess the point of the cookies is to raise money for the organization so they use the cheapest ingredients so their profit is bigger but, really, it seems sort of irresponsible to me.

PLEASE don't flame me, I know it's a good organization and a great American tradition, and maybe other people don't care as much about trans fats as I do. Maybe I should just buy some and throw them away LOL! I'm just curious if it bugs anyone else.
No, not really. I try to avoid transfats as well, however, I also believe everything in moderation is fine. I wish they would use different ingredients and I'd be willing to pay more but I don't worry about buying one or two boxes once a year and eat them.

You can always donate to the Girl Scouts and not buy the cookies :9
My daughter has been a Girl Scout for the past 13 years, so I do have to put my two cents in here. The cookie company has changed the ingredients of the cookies recently and if you check out the ingredients you will see that there are 0 trans fats on the nutrition label. Now granted there is flour and sugar, but like someone else said - all in moderation. I think we all know that if really should not eat a whole box in one sitting - they are only here once a year and it is the Girl Scouts biggest money maker. The Boy Scouts have their popcorn, the Girl Scouts have their cookies -
I agree with the moderation thing. A box for the whole fam to split isn't gonna kill us.

I actually do buy a lot of boxes though. I remember selling them and take pity on those poor girls! I give most of my boxes away to family who I know don't get hit up like we do.

It's a fun tradition!
Oh jamaicagirl, zero trans fats now??? I am so happy. I think even last year I was studying a box and getting all sad about the trans fats so I'm delighted to hear that there's been this change. I'm gonna get my order in! Thanks for the info.
Yes, they reformulated the recipe to get rid of *most* of the trans fats. I believer there is still like .3 trans fats, but less than .5 so the label says 0g trans fats.

And as a Mom of 2 girl scouts, I wish there were a healthier way to raise money but unfortunately it's a GREAT way to get the funds needed!!
I can certainly appreciate your comments Diane. It is good to know that the trans fats have been (virtually) eliminated....they are very naughty treats and while I do think they are ridiculously expensive they do at least go to good cause (you can help a young lady learn lots in Girl Scouts and grow up be your cardiologist when you have a heart attack from scarfing down all those artery clogging Somoas of whatever they are called now)....and while very healthy I don't think Girl Scout Lettuce or Girl Scout Tofu would sell very well....:9
I agree. I haven't had GS cookies in years, but I always felt they were heavy tasting, almost greasy. And the list of ingredients was downright unappetizing. I'm glad to hear they're making them healthier, but I won't be eating any.
If you want to know the perfect place to sell Girl Scout cookies.. try the McDonald's Drive through!!!! They let my dd's troop put a little cookie booth by the drive through. My dd was there helping from 9-11AM so it was *before* the lunch rush and they had already sold over 200 boxes!!! :eek: May as well get ALL of your unhealthy foods at one stop, right?? :p

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